IT will not wake up!


Senior member
Jun 21, 2001
Ok when I put my comp in suspend mode it will not wake back up. Why? How do I fix the problem? It was doing it a while ago but I fixed the problem by formatting my HD and reinstalling Windows 98 SE. That was 2 or 3 weeks ago, why is it doing it again?

Also when checking to see what is loaded at startup (msconfig) there are two entries for "LoadPowerProfile" is this the problem? If not, why are there two entries? The other thing that May be related is when I shut the comp down it goes to the screen after your desktop changes but just before "windows is shutting down" screen and sits there doing nothing for a few mins, then shuts down. Why?


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 1999
I think the double loading is normal, although I've been running 98se with both of them unchecked with no apparent problems.


Golden Member
Oct 10, 1999
Disable it.. dont use it.

Only set monitor to power off.. never hard drive.

But your asking for trouble if you continue to use it. Eventually one of these days when you have to power off computer just to get it back up its going to screw up your system files.

We get alot of calls where people had to do this.. then next thing they see is No Operating System Found. Or missing windows file run setup etc.

The 2 entries for LoadPowerProfile is normal. They both should be checked if your power schemes aren't disabled.

If you really like Sleep mode then atleast set hard drive never to sleep then try it. Should resume from it if your lucky.


Elite Member | Peripherals
Super Moderator
Mar 4, 2000
I echo A.K.A. - suspend or hibernation is flaky and unreliable. Disable it and never use it. I don't even allow HDDs to be turned off - sometimes they don't wake up. Monitors usually do, but it is a lot easier just to punch the power button. :)