"It takes a village to raise a child" **Rant**

Iron Woode

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 10, 1999
If I hear or see this piece of Liberal minded drivel one more time, I am going to personally hunt you down and punch you right in the mouth.




No Lifer
Oct 9, 1999
What's so bad about that statement? Raising children is a tough task. Maybe it's not so much the statement you dislike, but the people behind it.


No Lifer
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: NFS4
What's so bad about that statement? Raising children is a tough task. Maybe it's not so much the statement you dislike, but the people behind it.

the problem is that part of the people in the village have morals/ethics diametrically opposed to your own, in which case you don't want scum bags like that influencing your kids as they grow up


No Lifer
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: FoBoT
Originally posted by: NFS4
What's so bad about that statement? Raising children is a tough task. Maybe it's not so much the statement you dislike, but the people behind it.

the problem is that part of the people in the village have morals/ethics diametrically opposed to your own, in which case you don't want scum bags like that influencing your kids as they grow up

You can't shelter your children from everything. If your kid grows up NOT knowing about something/certain aspects of life/people who think differently than you, what are they going to do when they grow up and DO encounter those things?

People raised in a bubble end up growing to be uncaring jackasses from personal experience :)


No Lifer
Apr 30, 2001
Originally posted by: NFS4
Originally posted by: FoBoT
Originally posted by: NFS4
What's so bad about that statement? Raising children is a tough task. Maybe it's not so much the statement you dislike, but the people behind it.

the problem is that part of the people in the village have morals/ethics diametrically opposed to your own, in which case you don't want scum bags like that influencing your kids as they grow up

You can't shelter your children from everything. If your kid grows up NOT knowing about something/certain aspects of life/people who think differently than you, what are they going to do when they grow up and DO encounter those things?

People raised in a bubble end up growing to be uncaring jackasses from personal experience :)

you are correct, but i think it is important to control the point at which they start seeing the real world
a three year old doesn't need to be influenced by a crack dealer, but a 13 year old is developed enough to understand where the crack dealer and the crack dealer's morals/ethics fit into the "real world"

i don't want to expose my young children to the village idiot's influence


Jul 12, 2000
Instead of baseless animosity, why don't you elaborate for us on why you disagree with this idea, and furthermore why 'liberals' are the only ones who hold it.


Oct 9, 1999
It takes a village to raise a child, but children aren't supposed to talk to strangers. Pretty small village.


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: FoBoT
Originally posted by: NFS4
What's so bad about that statement? Raising children is a tough task. Maybe it's not so much the statement you dislike, but the people behind it.

the problem is that part of the people in the village have morals/ethics diametrically opposed to your own, in which case you don't want scum bags like that influencing your kids as they grow up
I think you're missing the problem. IMO, this way of thinking leads to couples having children before they're able to raise them on their own. They figure it's just SOP to slough the kids off on grandma & grandpa or aunts & uncles. If not family, then dump 'em in day care. They're under the impression it takes two full time incomes to get by these days. Chanting that slogan just makes it seem more the norm.

I'd say, it takes two parents to raise a child right. Not extended family, nannies or day care facilities. If parents would wait get settled down, and keep their overhead low, before having kids, they wouldn't be dependent on "the village". One parent could stay home, which is ideal.

Iron Woode

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 10, 1999
The statement annoys me because of its origins. A group of well off, self-righteous left-wing people go to Africa to see how the tribes there raise their children because "they have so much to teach us about life". The people who do this are the same ones who can't grasp that there are others that have problems in America and need help. These are the same people that think PETA should be revered and that Sadam is just a misunderstood guy and that going to Iraq as human shields is the smartest thing one can do.



Elite member
Oct 22, 2000
The only real opposition I have to the statement is that it implies that the parent is not responsible for the child. It's the old "It's not the child's fault, he just fell in with bad people" thing again.


Iron Woode

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Zenmervolt
The only real opposition I have to the statement is that it implies that the parent is not responsible for the child. It's the old "It's not the child's fault, he just fell in with bad people" thing again.

I don't even take the statement to mean that. It bothers me because it is very patronizing and has no real meaning.

Although some very good points about parental responsibility were raised. I agree that it takes 2 parents to raise a child unselfishly.



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
The modern day, that is politically correct, interpretation of the 'village' is what Hillary Clinton defined it as. It is BIG GOVERNMENT. They know better than you do how YOUR children should be raised. If you think different, well, just go to jail! The gospel according to Hillary.:|


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Tominator
The modern day, that is politically correct, interpretation of the 'village' is what Hillary Clinton defined it as. It is BIG GOVERNMENT. They know better than you do how YOUR children should be raised. If you think different, well, just go to jail! The gospel according to Hillary.:|


We have a winner here.

"It takes a village" is code for the elitist view that parents are not responsible enough to raise their own children their own way. It is code for intrusive government policy that directly controls how parents raise their children.

Never underestimate the amount of elitist BS that comes from the modern day liberal socialist.


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Iron Woode
If I hear or see this piece of Liberal minded drivel one more time, I am going to personally hunt you down and punch you right in the mouth.

Consistency check: If you believe in individual control instead of community / state control, then are you also:
* pro-choice (women making own reproductive choices)
* opposed to John Ashcroft's attempts to block Oregon's twice-voted right-to-die law?

Just curious whether you follow the conservative party line or have a consistent set of beliefs.

Iron Woode

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: DaveSimmons
Originally posted by: Iron Woode
If I hear or see this piece of Liberal minded drivel one more time, I am going to personally hunt you down and punch you right in the mouth.

Consistency check: If you believe in individual control instead of community / state control, then are you also:
* pro-choice (women making own reproductive choices)
* opposed to John Ashcroft's attempts to block Oregon's twice-voted right-to-die law?

Just curious whether you follow the conservative party line or have a consistent set of beliefs.
I believe in what I feel is right. I follow my own beliefs and I don't really fit in any pigeon hole.

You are analyzing the statement for literal meaning. I ignore the statement as meaningless and patronizing, something that someone says to sound intelligent or to impress a crowd of like minded fools.

I am neither Conservative or Liberal. I am a little of both.