A aplefka Lifer Feb 29, 2004 12,014 2 0 Jun 15, 2005 #1 ...doesn't it Bob?" "Think... think what?" "That chemistry's the wrong fvcking major for a guy like you!" to the first to state the movie.
...doesn't it Bob?" "Think... think what?" "That chemistry's the wrong fvcking major for a guy like you!" to the first to state the movie.
A aplefka Lifer Feb 29, 2004 12,014 2 0 Jun 15, 2005 #2 Nobody? How bout if I give another quote. "<Mocking British accent>The sun never sets on the British empire.</Mocking British accent> Well the sun never sets ON MY ASSHOLE!"
Nobody? How bout if I give another quote. "<Mocking British accent>The sun never sets on the British empire.</Mocking British accent> Well the sun never sets ON MY ASSHOLE!"
R RU482 Lifer Apr 9, 2000 12,689 3 81 Jun 15, 2005 #4 the fvcking apple avatar is too damn distracting for me to think
CrackRabbit Lifer Mar 30, 2001 16,642 62 91 Jun 15, 2005 #5 Originally posted by: aplefka Nobody? How bout if I give another quote. "<Mocking British accent>The sun never sets on the British empire.</Mocking British accent> Well the sun never sets ON MY ASSHOLE!" Click to expand... Thats one big asshole Mr.Britt.
Originally posted by: aplefka Nobody? How bout if I give another quote. "<Mocking British accent>The sun never sets on the British empire.</Mocking British accent> Well the sun never sets ON MY ASSHOLE!" Click to expand... Thats one big asshole Mr.Britt.