It is late and I'm tired (so please help me interpret this)


Golden Member
Nov 4, 2004
Student/Faculty member*
Pre-conference rates (between 12/7/04 - 1/18/05) $120
Late reg & onsite rates (after 1/18/05) $120

* You must be full time faculty and submit proof of your status via fax to 301-694-5124. This rate does not apply to part time or adjunct faculty.

The * would only apply to faculty, correct? As a part time student I would still get the $120 price? :Q:D
I hope its not implied that you are a full time student :( Most would assume student=full time. Then again, maybe the organization hosting the event just doesn't want any faculty who also run side businesses getting the benefit of their part time position.

Going to drop a class tomorrow that will take me from full time to part time :/

(and regular conference admission would cost me $1000 :Q)