Some fiscally liberal neoconservative piece of shit tried to run against the only honest man left in Congress. And fiscal liberals like Sarah Palin supported the opponent of Rep. Jones. Fortunately, he won. But why did he get such a low percentage (50.9%) given the following (according to Pat Buchanan):
The low percentage he got shows how statist many american voters have become. Isn't that a shame?
I realize that some of his positions are terrible like those on the Dodd-Frank Act and the minimum wage, but why did only 50.9% appreciate his honesty and the fact that he was less statist than his opponent? How did he get only 50.9% when most members of the Neo-Republican currently agree with Dr. Paul's non-interventionism in foreign affairs? And how in the hell is Walter B Jones like Obama when they are diametrically opposed on foreign policy?In the Bush I era, he voted against No Child Left Behind.
In the Obama years, he voted against Obamacare and the bailouts of the big banks, Wall Street and Detroit. He voted against cap and trade, and TARP, the trillion-dollar stimulus package.
Jones voted against every increase in the debt ceiling in 10 years and refuses to vote for any U.S. budget not in balance. He stands against same-sex marriage, has a 100 percent rating from National Right to Life, and receives a consistent A from the NRA.
A national organization opposing illegal immigration gives Jones an A+ for battling to secure America’s borders and block amnesty.
Camp Lejeune is in Jones’ district, and he has received awards from every veterans organization from the American Legion to the Disabled American Veterans.
FreedomWorks cited Jones last year as the most conservative member of the North Carolina delegation and one of the 10 most conservative members of the House. And he had the endorsement of Dot Helms, widow of conservative legend Jesse Helms.
The low percentage he got shows how statist many american voters have become. Isn't that a shame?
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