Israel's Anniversay - Same Date as Palestinian Holocaust. How'd that Happen ?

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Jan 21, 2006
Today is the 63rd Anniversary of the Nation of Israel.

It's also the 63rd Anniversary of Al Nakba, The Catastrophe. The Israeli government tells us that Holocaust Denial is bad, yet they're actually trying to pass a law making it illegal for the Palestinians to commemorate Al Nakba.

How Palestinians remember this day - 750,000 people rendered homeless, 400 villages destroyed, 200,000 Palestinians killed.

A lot of people who are knowledgeable about history would say, today is the 63rd Anniversary of the Organized Crime Gang known as Israel.

Jack Bernstein, an American Jew who tried living in Israel, had this to say -

"To fully understand the story I am about to tell, it is important that you understand what Zionism really is. Zionist propaganda has led the American people to believe that Zionism and Judaism are one and the same and that they are religious in nature. This is a blatant lie."

"To accommodate the increasing European Jewish migration, the Jews needed more lands but the Palestinian Arabs refused to sell. So, to get more land from the Palestinians, these communist oriented European (Ashkenazi) Jews resorted to the one thing at which they are adept — TERRORISM.

Their first major act of terrorism against the Palestinians was at the Palestinian village of Deir Yassin. During the night of April 9, 1948, two Zionist terrorist gangs, the Irgun and the Stem Gang attacked and massacred over 250 men, women and children.

Menachem Begin, leader of the attack on Deir Yassin and later Prime Minister of Israel, has this to say, "The massacre was not only justified, but there would not have been a state of Israel without the 'victory' at Deir Yassin'.

The massacre at Deir Yassin caused other Palestinians to flee their homes in fear. Zionist terrorists drove trucks with loudspeakers through the streets and over the roads of Palestine warning Palestinians that what happened at Dear Yassin would happen to them if they didn't leave.

These Zionist terrorists weren't bluffing: For Example:

They killed 60 Palestinians at Balad Esh Sheikh.
They blew up 20 homes in Sa'sa, killing 60 women and children.
They killed a number of women who were working in Saint Simon monastery in Jerusalem.
They massacred 250 at Lydda.
They killed 200, mostly old people, in the village mosque in Ed-Dawayimeh.
They killed 51 workers as they returned from their fields at Kafr Qasem.
Christian inhabitants of Kaba Bir'im were expelled from the village and the village destroyed. The village cemetery was desecrated, including the smashing of 73 crosses.
During the few months when these and other acts of terrorism were taking place, 300.000 Palestinian Christians and Moslems were forced to leave their homes or be killed by the terrorist groups which were made up of European, communist oriented Jews. It was these same Marxist oriented Jews who were soon to became the ruling elite of the State of Israel. From the beginning, and to the present, these terrorist Marxist oriented Zionists have ruled Israel.

After Israel declared itself a state on May 14, 1948, Israeli terrorism continued in an effort to push more Palestinians from their homes.

Since 1948, 350 Christian churches and Moslem mosques have been destroyed by these Zionist terrorists."

/\ That section in quotes is from an American Jew named Jack Bernstein who tried living in Israel.

From 1935 to 1948, the 3 Israeli Terror organizations, Irgun, Haganah, and the Stern Gang, spent 14 years terrorizing the Palestinians, the goal being to clear the land.

Well, they did clear the land. Today, for the most part, they have 1.5 million Palestinians herded into a concentration camp in the desert, known as Gaza.

If someone stole your land & attacked your people, the way that Jewish Israel supporters did to the Palestinians, what would you do ?
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Jul 28, 2006
Israel declared independence on May 14. Within hours their Arab neighbors invaded with the express intent of forming a Palestinian state in place of the two state deal created by the UN.

So perhaps we should change the thread title to:
Palestinian Holocaust started by invading Arabs.


Golden Member
Feb 28, 2008
Same way they made Martin Luther King Jr day the same day as Robert E Lee's birthday in the US it is in your face sort of thing


Golden Member
Oct 15, 2005
It was a war...bad shit happens in wars. You can ask your fathers who've been in Vietnam how hundreds of thousands of innocent people happen to die in a war that's not even about you. Or do what that idiot in the OP (just read his other writings - the guy was a delusional fool. His hatred for all things Israel is astonishing) remove the war from the equation and just say "Americans systematically bomb north vietnam, 100,000 innocent people die".

EDIT: BTW, this - "The Israeli government tells us that Holocaust Denial is bad, yet they're actually trying to pass a law making it illegal for the Palestinians to commemorate Al Nakba" - is false. The law they're talking about allows the gov to lessen the *governmental funding* of various civil groups if they attempt to delegitimize Israel as a country. They can still do whatever they like - OMG free speech - but not with my hard-earned tax money.
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Aug 4, 2007
EDIT: BTW, this - "The Israeli government tells us that Holocaust Denial is bad, yet they're actually trying to pass a law making it illegal for the Palestinians to commemorate Al Nakba" - is false. The law they're talking about allows the gov to lessen the *governmental funding* of various civil groups if they attempt to delegitimize Israel as a country. They can still do whatever they like - OMG free speech - but not with my hard-earned tax money.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Israel declared independence on May 14. Within hours their Arab neighbors invaded with the express intent of forming a Palestinian state in place of the two state deal created by the UN.

So perhaps we should change the thread title to:
Palestinian Holocaust started by invading Arabs.

What a piece of crud reasoning, the Arabs did indeed attack, but what you are saying is someone gets mugged and robbed they are justified in mugging and robbing an innocent by stander.


Jun 24, 2003
Well fuck, it sounds like they should have left when they had a chance. So they got what they deserved. Especially the kids. What kind of kids don't do as they're told? Bad kids. Or in this case, dead kids.


Golden Member
Oct 15, 2005
SandEagle - Sorry to burst your bubble but that was struck down eventually. The revised law that talks about public funding only is the one that was passed.

Haters can still scream that we're the devil himself - just without public money.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
So we get more crapola reasoning by Harabec as he says, "Or do what that idiot in the OP (just read his other writings - the guy was a delusional fool. His hatred for all things Israel is astonishing) remove the war from the equation and just say "Americans systematically bomb north vietnam, 100,000 innocent people die".

Rather than even trying to refute the actual documented history cited by the OP, Harabec simply thinks he can win the argument by calling him delusional.

Then to add injury to insult, Harabec grossly under estimates of Vietnamese killed when the figure is more like 2 million. But unlike Israel, we never claimed the land that the dead man we killed owned.

Harabec, let me put it this way, you are not only delusional, you are in denial, and simply do not know how to think rationally. If it had happened to you, you would not accept it either.


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2000
Israel declared independence on May 14. Within hours their Arab neighbors invaded with the express intent of forming a Palestinian state in place of the two state deal created by the UN.

So perhaps we should change the thread title to:
Palestinian Holocaust started by invading Arabs.
That assessment ignores the fact that Israelis had already driven over 400,000 Palestinians from across both sides of the UN partition plan between November 29th and May 13, as the "Information on the depopulation of Palestinian towns and villages (1947–1949)" chart at Wikipedia recounts. So, the Nakba was already happening regardless of the Arab stats stepping in, they only served to slow down Israel's efforts to ethnically cleanse Palestinians out of the region and colonize the land for themselves, though the Nakba continues with Israel's ongoing colonization of the West Bank.

Anyway, here is a website with a bunch of videos of Nakba survivors and their children and grandchildren presenting brief answers to the question in the thread title.

Mr. Pedantic

Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2010
What a piece of crud reasoning, the Arabs did indeed attack, but what you are saying is someone gets mugged and robbed they are justified in mugging and robbing an innocent by stander.
Of course it's wrong. Which is why the US rounded up and detained all these Japanese people living in America after Pearl Harbour.

Granted, the Japanese weren't killed, but the point still stands. The reasoning behind it is not logical appraisal of the threat these people pose, it's fear and indiscriminate hatred.


Jan 21, 2006
so glad to see that some AT'ers have a sincere interest in history, and not at all surprised that some AT'ers try to re-write history to make the Arabs look like the aggressor.

In addition to the attack on the King David Hotel, when 91 civilians were killed by Israel supporters who tried to make it look like the Arabs did it, there was also a British politician whose beer you are all familiar with - he was a member of the Guinness family.

Walter Guinness, aka Lorde Moyne - assassinated by a 4th Israeli terror group, Lehi -

"The tragedy of the Palestinian question is, as was said by the Royal Commission, that it is a conflict between two rights. When Jerusalem was destroyed and its site ploughed up in the year 135 A.D., the Jews had occupied the country for about 1,300 years. Since the Mahomedan invasion of 632 the Arabs have occupied Palestine for practically the same period. To these Arabs the Jews are not only alien in culture but also in blood. It is very often loosely said that Jews are Semites, but anthropologists tell us that, pure as they have kept their culture, the Jewish race has been much mixed with Gentiles since the beginning of the Diaspora. During the Babylonian captivity they acquired a strong Hittite admixture, and it is obvious that the Armenoid features which are still found among the Sephardim have been bred out of the Ashkenazim by an admixture of Slav blood. The Zionist movement has its main spring among those Jews of Poland and Eastern Europe. Their leaders demand that an already overcrowded Palestine should be trebled in its population by the admixture of another three million Jews immediately after the war. Now it is not a matter of putting a quart into a pint pot, it is a matter of putting exactly three pints into a pint pot. Successive inquiries have shown that immigration on this scale would be a disastrous mistake, and is indeed an impracticable dream. A far smaller measure of immigration led to the Palestine disturbances which lasted from 1936 to 1939, and showed that the Arabs, who have lived and buried their dead for fifty generations in Palestine, will not willingly surrender their land and self-government to the Jews.[49]"

To count the British and Americans killed by Israel supporters -

A. Walter Guinness, killed by the Israeli terror group, Lehi in 1944

B. 91 civilians, mostly British, killed by the Israeli terror group Irgun in 1946. Rahm Emanuel's father was a member of the Irgun. Irgun was not the rotary club, they were a lot more like Al-Qaeda, though with much more support.

The attack on the King David Hotel was a false flag attack, they tried to make it look like Arabs did it.

C. USS Liberty Incident, 1967

Israel killed 34 American soldiers and wounded 170 American soldiers.

D. Rachel Corrie

Rachel's faux pas was that she stood in front of a Palestinian home to prevent its demolition. She was killed by an IDF soldier.

Rachel was an American.

There are many other examples that illustrate Israel's criminality. These are just some of the British and Americans killed by Israel & Israel supporters.

Then there is the question of how many Arabs they have killed.

Of course, for Israel & Israel supporters, killing Arabs is like a national sport. Israel hasn't gotten many medals at the Olympics, but if there was a contest for being a bad neighbor, Israel would get a Gold medal every 4 years.

The entire reason for being of Israel - that Jews needed a "safe place" - is complete bullshit.

The Jews had a safe place - the United States. The US fast-tracked the immigration of Jews at the beginning of World War 2 - the rate of immigration was 3000 a day, 1 million a year.

Of course, at the beginning of World War 2, there were 3.5 million Jewish people in Europe. At least 1 million of them made it safely to the US.

Their rate of immigration to Palestine was about 300 a day, 100,000 a year.

The reveals the lie of the Holocaust - how did WW2 Germany manage to kill 6 million Jewish people if there were, maximum, only 2.4 million Jewish people left in occupied Europe ?

These grim realities of history are explored in more detail in 2 books by Jewish historians Walter Sanning and Edwin Black -

The Transfer Agreement
by Edwin Black
"The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine (Paperback)"

The Dissolution of Eastern European Jewry
by Walter Sanning
Sanning is a Jewish historian who uses census numbers from around the world to establish population numbers for the Jewish people before & after World War 2. He finds that 1.2 million Jewish people perished during the war, 1 million of them on Soviet territory.

Especially during the winter of 1944, it was an extremely cold winter, a 100 year record in terms of how cold it was. That cold was an equal opportunity destroyer - it was responsible for the death of many civilians, including Jewish people, and many soldiers, especially German soldiers on the front with Russia.

The Western media tries to present a 2-bit solution - that if you don't buy the "6 Million" myth, you are a Holocaust denier.

Obviously we don't live in a 2-bit world, although some AT'ers do.

I don't deny the Shoah, I just know that it did not occur as taught in American public schools.

Martin Gray's book is a good book, it is an autobiography.

For Those I Loved
by Martin Gray
Martin Gray was a young Jewish boy in Poland when the Nazi's walled it off. He started out by bribing Nazi guards and importing tons of food, which also turned out to be a profitable business. He subsequently was sent to Auschwitz, which he survived by hiding in the latrine.

What does the Holocaust have to do with Israel ? Israel tries to use the Holocaust as a Raison D'Etre, a Reason for being. The myth that 6 million Jewish people died in WW2 occupied Europe is more useful than the facts and the accompanying uncertainty, which put the number between 2.4 million - the maximum number of Jewish people that were available to be killed by WW2 Germany - and 200,000.

As Edwin Black points out, many Jewish people did not want to go to live in Palestine. They opposed the concept of Israel. Israel supporters negotiated with WW2 Germany that those Jewish people, who were very inconventient for the Israel supporters, would be left behind in occupied Europe.

In other words, the Pro-Israeli Jews arranged for the Anti-Israel Jews to be killed by their designated Bogeyman, Adolf Hitler.

Then they turned around and used the death of their fellow human beings as The Reason for Israel's existence.


Golden Member
Dec 22, 2008
So we get more crapola reasoning by Harabec as he says, "Or do what that idiot in the OP (just read his other writings - the guy was a delusional fool. His hatred for all things Israel is astonishing) remove the war from the equation and just say "Americans systematically bomb north vietnam, 100,000 innocent people die".

Rather than even trying to refute the actual documented history cited by the OP, Harabec simply thinks he can win the argument by calling him delusional.

Then to add injury to insult, Harabec grossly under estimates of Vietnamese killed when the figure is more like 2 million. But unlike Israel, we never claimed the land that the dead man we killed owned.

Harabec, let me put it this way, you are not only delusional, you are in denial, and simply do not know how to think rationally. If it had happened to you, you would not accept it either.

If it was only 100,000 people! x20 would be closer to the truth, yes!
America is the number one dominant murderer the world has seen!
Israel is doing it's best to make it into the charts on that account.
A perverted perspective of justice is meaningless.

Be nice to one day see the powerful people in the world get a little more intelligent, positively motivated and less self-interested. Anyhow, same ol' same ol'


May 2, 2011
I don't see the US treating Japan and Germany, after wining the war, as the Zionist are treating the Palestinian people.......remember that the Palestinian and the real Jews were already living there while the Zionist are foreign invaders.


Senior member
May 17, 2008
Nobody likes Israel nation. Europe doesn't like Israel. Asia doesn't like Israel. South America doesn't like Israel. When you got a bunch of people not liking you, perhaps it's time to ask "am I an asshole?". But apparently, Yahwee did not endow the Jewish people with this self examining ability.


Jan 21, 2006
I don't see the US treating Japan and Germany, after wining the war, as the Zionist are treating the Palestinian people.......remember that the Palestinian and the real Jews were already living there while the Zionist are foreign invaders.

very true.

glad to see that on the occasion of the 63rd anniversary of Israel, people are finally telling the truth about Israel.


Jul 28, 2006
very true.

glad to see that on the occasion of the 63rd anniversary of Israel, people are finally telling the truth about Israel.
When are you going to get around to telling the truth about the Palestinians?

Such as the fact that Palestinians in Israel are treated better by their government and have more rights than Palestinians living in Gaza or the West Bank?

Or how about the 600 Palestinians killed in the Gaza civil war?

And let's not forget the endless motor attacks again Israeli civilians.


Jun 24, 2003
I don't see the US treating Japan and Germany, after wining the war, as the Zionist are treating the Palestinian people.......remember that the Palestinian and the real Jews were already living there while the Zionist are foreign invaders.

Because the Germans and Japanese got their asses in line with what we wanted them to do, just as the real Jews in Israel did when the Zionists invaded. The Palestinians are the only ones still rebelling and not acting as instructed, so they can expect to continue to be starved, tortured, bombed and killed until they start acting right.
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