Originally posted by: teclis1023
Originally posted by: magomago
Both sides are being heinous. Palestinians elements are absolutely wrong for lobbying rockets - and it hurts their image more than anything. Its hard to try to pass off as a genuine partner when there are people who engage in these actions. Israeli Govt is sure as hell damned wrong for trying to continuously grab more land...and their honesty in a real peace process is completely doubtful.
This idea of having a soverign land with pockets of it completely controlled by another nation and the most farked up borders and non delinated borders simply cannot exist. It is CLEARLY established that Palestinians, and most Arab Govt, want 67 borders and will accept Israel on that basis....of 67 borders without this "67 +" b.s. Teclis, can you honestly say that the Israeli Govt is truly trying to help the establishment of a Palestinian State? From my POV, I can say they are trying as hard as possible to prevent it...
I've said time and again that I am completely against settlements, and in general, don't particularly like the Settlers, who I find to be completely insane.
I think that the Israeli government has ebbed and flowed in its support for the Palestinian state, and I have never stated that it is "all the Palestinians". I support a Palestinian state, but unfortunately I think that extremely poor leadership on their part has made that dream almost hopeless. Yassir Arafat was so extremely detrimental to the Palestinian cause, yet he created a lasting archetype for the 'freedom fighter,' when in fact he was robbing the Palestinians of millions of dollars and their chance at sovereignty. Hamas is doing the same.
Barak already proposed a return to near greenline borders, and I would support the same being offered today. I would like to see what would happen with new leadership and the same proposal.
Can I truly say that the Israeli government is trying to help with the establishment of a Palestinian state? Probably not, though I would argue that it's not their responsibility. The main Israeli responsibility is (rightfully so) to secure and defend their borders and civilians.
I wonder what your views on the Palestinian leadership over the past 40 years is, regarding their attempts toward peace negotiations. I'm truly interested.