ISO 16X DVD Burner


Senior member
Mar 27, 2002
I want to retire my external USB/FireWire Plextor PX-716UF and upgrade to a faster DVD burner.

I've been looking at the Mad Dog MD-16XDVD9-8X. Anybody has one that can post a review or comment on? In Electronic Fry's, one could purchase for less than $100.

I've also been eyeing on the BenQ DW1625 but is lightscribe worth buying? I do a lot of making/printing cd labels.

How is the Plextor PX-740A (Internal E-IDE (ATAPI) or the PX-740UF? Yeah, I've been looking at the 740UF since my Plextor has been so far so good... yet so slow when it comes to burning DVD.

I've also been tempted with Emprex/BTC DVDRW 2016IM because of their low price. But I've been heard to refrain buying anything from Emprex or BTC.

Money is really no object... I'd like an external if possible but internal is my second choice. What's your thought?

EDIT: My DVD burner is a Plextor PX-708UF not 716UF... sorry my bad


Diamond Member
Oct 11, 1999

If you want external consider getting a seperate universal enclosure which then allows you to choose from any internal device now and in the future and may save you some scratch over retail external combos.