Isn't it time for a complete destabilization of the entire Middle East?


Diamond Member
Aug 27, 2006
They make me sick. There are only three countries I respect in that region, and they're all democracies, more or less. The three are Iran, Israel, and Turkey. The rest, with their lifetime Presidents, dictators, kings, and princes make me sick. My family lives across the street from the United Nations and these people come along with their huge delegations, from some country that was created over a bottle of rum and cigars. Their ambassadors, their arrogant princes, and their pillaging of their people's natural resources is disgusting. Worse, I hate how I have to take the stairs or wait 15 minutes because one of them is in the building. Money made them and it has destroyed them. I wish them the worst and I hope they suffer the worst fate that a revolution brings.