Yeah you see some weird stuff on ebay
The only negative I ever recieved on ebay went like this
1. Guy won an auction of mine for $7.50
2. After 60 days with no payment and no response to emails, I filed a non-paying bidder alert on him.
3. Evidently it was his third NPB so ebay locked his account
4. He immediately started emailing me with sob stories "I've been in hospital", "My son deleted my emails", "Ebay is my only hobby as a sick dieing old man", "Please contact ebay and tell them I will take care of this" ect.. ect... ect...
5. It took me three days but I finally got to talk to a person at ebay and explained the situation and told them I felt sorry for the guy and he promised to pay and could I rescind the NPB. They complied and unlocked his account
6. He immediately leaves the following negative, and of course never sends the money
"This SOB turned me in over $7.50, causing my cancer to flair up requiring hospitalization"