Is this guy trying to scam me? ebay scam


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2001
At the mall today, I saw a box for the matrix samsung phone... last I heard, you couldn't just walk into a store and "buy" one. The box was legit enough to look like any sprint phone that you could just buy :/ Anyone have one? :p

UPDATE: 6/30... I was just sent this email.... does anyone remember the thread about the guy selling a laptop from Romanian?! Well heres what I just got.
I saw that you are intrested in this item. I have the same item and I want to sell it fast and at a lower price.
If you are interested please let me know.
To make a fast deal here are my conditions: the item location is in Romania. The only payment method is Western Union or Money Gram because this are the fastest payment options.
If you have any other questions please feel free to ask me.
Thank's for your understanding.
I did bid on one of them once, but I have no clue how he got my email adress :/ Is this a obvious scam or should I mess around with this troll.

I emailed him back asking if he had refrenences and that I would be extremely fearful about sending money overseas... :p heres what he sent back.

hy there
this is not my first deal that i made, but don't worry i will give my adress
you will know where to find me if you will need, but that will not be necessary trust me
reply asap
Heres what he wrote back
hy there
the price is 200$ including shipping
WU or MG i don't have any options
i don't have pictures of the phones but it is new in the box
reply asap

Heres what I wrote back-

Having read into my Romainan scams, such as this
and this
I can simply not trust anything that comes from there without refrences and tracking. Western Union or Money gram offer no protection against these scams, and you would have to be blind to fall for these types of transactions.

Its fun messing with trolls!



Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2001
I know when the movie came out you couldn't buy the phone, but you could get a new faceplate that was an exact replica from a kiosk in my local mall


Golden Member
Dec 30, 2001
You can order it through their website here.

Even if I had the cash to buy it, I don't think I would because they use Sprint as the provider. I <3 T-Mobile and GSM :D


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2001
Originally posted by: AsianriceX
You can order it through their website here.

Even if I had the cash to buy it, I don't think I would because they use Sprint as the provider. I <3 T-Mobile and GSM :D

Website is sold out... I was looking to get sprint just because I already have a phone on my empolyee plan from Staples, and you can't beat 15 bucks a month with pcs vision and all the goodies.

Any more info about a faceplate... I just can't picture what phone that would cover to make it look like it.
Thanks for the info.




Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2001
Originally posted by: anxi80
it was on sale, but i believe it retailed in the $400 range. ouch.

Yeah thats what I figured... on ebay they are going for insane prices.... i would be willing to spend 300 tops, but that wont happen :p It was just wierd that LameShack had the box right in the window, when they obviously don't have the phone.




Aug 30, 2000
That phone is so overpriced. So what if its in the movies. It doesn't even have a color screen or support high speed data. You're better off not having it since in 6 months you'll feel dumb for using one....


Diamond Member
Nov 13, 2001
Well, BB had the tins... the TINS were free with a Sprint phone purchase or something like that...

At RadioHack, I had those stupid boxes and lotsa contest forms... even a dummy phone for it. But it's pointless since we don't sell them either. Heck, I was talking to my Sprint guy and asked him about that other camera phone (Samsung A600?) that Samsung was advertised with Matrix Reloaded as well... but it's not coming out for a while! Dumbdumbdumb...

Besides, it seems like the dummy phone in my store is a good indication that this phone is made like crap... it sucks way more than the nice Sanyo 8100 and other sweet camera phones coming to Sprint PCS soon. They even dropped the price on the Sanyo 5300.


Elite Member
Nov 5, 2000
the item location is in Romania. The only payment method is Western Union or Money Gram because this are the fastest payment options.
Run away. Smells like a scam.


Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2000
Originally posted by: NutBucket
That phone is so overpriced. So what if its in the movies. It doesn't even have a color screen or support high speed data. You're better off not having it since in 6 months you'll feel dumb for using one....

I didn't see anything to the contrary about high speed data, but it does have a color screen, underneath the sliding part.


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2000
Dear lord, the red flags!

To make a fast deal (1) here are my conditions: the item location is in Romania (2). The only payment method is Western Union or Money Gram because this are the fastest payment options (5)

I stopped reading right there. Save yourself the trouble. A good deal on the phone WILL come around.

To be honest, I initially stopped reading at:
I have the same item and I want to sell it fast and at a lower price.
Had to go back up after I hit reply to find the other red flags.


Golden Member
Oct 10, 2000
Who cares about the phone !!!

Please Avoid this Ebay Scam at all cost I have read numerous people who got ripped off sending funds via Western Union to Romania.

Example: This guy sent over 5G's via Western Union for a plasma TV that cost 2x as much.
He did get squat needless to say.

I think you should have fun with this Guy and say you have heard about lots of scam artist in Romania,and you not going to get suckered.
If he interested in making a deal he needs to provide a Valid Tracking number that shows the item is on its way to you.
and you should verify that it is Valid because they will often give you Random numbers or just some old tracking.

Or if you can think of something else to bait this guy into not even responding which will show proof as to his intensions of ripping you off

Search Goggle for more info on the Romania Rip off Scams going on.


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2000
Originally posted by: spliffstar69
I think you should have fun with this Guy
While it might be fun, you'd have a hard time keeping him hooked. Not worth the potential troubles, imo.
and say you have hard about lots of scam artist in Romania,and you not going to get suckered.
All he does then is a) try to convince you otherwise or b) heads to the next sucker
If he interested in making a deal he needs to provide a Valid Tracking number that shows the item is on its way to you.
Who's to say that the "item" isn't a box full of newspaper? Again, bad idea.


Golden Member
Oct 10, 2000
.[/quote]Who's to say that the "item" isn't a box full of newspaper? Again, bad idea.[/quote]

I agree