Is this sentence fair?
Honestly, I think they both were just too dumb to realize all this could have been prevented had she just got a legal abortion...instead of having a consensual agreement with the man and allowing him to do what he did.
Should she be charged too?
Here are 2 links..
Link 2
Guilty of capital murder in unborn twins? deaths
LUFKIN, Texas ? Monday, June 6, 2005 ? Nineteen-year-old Gerardo Flores was sentenced to life in prison Monday in a landmark test case of a state fetal protection law. The jury deliberated just under four hours, finding him guilty on two counts of capital murder for his part in killing his unborn twins. The case will be appealed, possibly all the way to the Supreme Court. Flores? girlfriend, Erica Basoria, 17, was led sobbing from the Angelina County Courthouse by her mother and older sister. While her family testified against Flores, Basoria stood by his side, maintaining she was involved in causing the at-home miscarriage (Induced Abortions). [Flores had stomped on Basoria?s abdomen while she punched herself in the stomach in order to abort twin babies.] Under state law, a woman cannot be charged for causing the deaths of her own fetuses for any reason. A similar federal law went into effect in April 2004, a month before Flores was charged. Prosecutors chose not to pursue the death penalty against Flores, meaning he received an automatic life sentence, with parole possible after 40 years.
Honestly, I think they both were just too dumb to realize all this could have been prevented had she just got a legal abortion...instead of having a consensual agreement with the man and allowing him to do what he did.
Should she be charged too?
Here are 2 links..
Link 2
Guilty of capital murder in unborn twins? deaths
LUFKIN, Texas ? Monday, June 6, 2005 ? Nineteen-year-old Gerardo Flores was sentenced to life in prison Monday in a landmark test case of a state fetal protection law. The jury deliberated just under four hours, finding him guilty on two counts of capital murder for his part in killing his unborn twins. The case will be appealed, possibly all the way to the Supreme Court. Flores? girlfriend, Erica Basoria, 17, was led sobbing from the Angelina County Courthouse by her mother and older sister. While her family testified against Flores, Basoria stood by his side, maintaining she was involved in causing the at-home miscarriage (Induced Abortions). [Flores had stomped on Basoria?s abdomen while she punched herself in the stomach in order to abort twin babies.] Under state law, a woman cannot be charged for causing the deaths of her own fetuses for any reason. A similar federal law went into effect in April 2004, a month before Flores was charged. Prosecutors chose not to pursue the death penalty against Flores, meaning he received an automatic life sentence, with parole possible after 40 years.