Originally posted by: conjur
Originally posted by: Ime
Edmunds.com puts the invoice for that model (assuming you are talking about the sedan and not the coupe) at around $20,700. I also see no incentives or rebates (except for a low APR for financing).
Overall, I'd say it's a good first offer from the dealer to start negotiating from.
Since when is invoice a good first offer from the dealer? Dealers start from MSRP and go down...slowly.
I had a guy try to negotiate further down from invoice on me. The sales mgr came over and said, "Hey, this is invoice...that's it...there's no more going down".
Now, they could sell the car at a 'loss' as there's still the factory 'dealer holdback' but that's to cover the costs of the dealership. If every car was sold at invoice, how long do you think a dealership would stay open?