(I'm using this threat to avoid creating a new one.)
So we're talking about download managers? Like programs that stick on background, and when you receive a prompt to save a file from a browser (IE, NS, FF, ...) they just pump in and handle stuff for you?
If so, why not think of the old ones?
Download Accelerator Plus
Internet Download Manager
GetRight Download Manager
What about these ones? Aren't they still valid/updated on a regular basis?
I ask this because I need to install one download manager, and don't use one for quite a few years ... last one I used was Download Accelerator, which used many connections to retrieve the same file, reducing time to complete quite a lot.
Do they all have the same features? Which one should be the best?
What negative points you see in them? (AdWare, SpyWare, ...)
(Schadenfroh: I'm reading the
review right now ... nice info there)