Is there such a device??


Junior Member
Nov 30, 2006

Is there a such a thing as a "Dumb Laptop" or perhaps a "Wireless dumb terminal"? I would ideally like to buy a laptop that connects remotely to my more powerful desktop.

So the laptop will just functional as a display with a keyboard and a mouse. The CPU, the video processing, storage etc will be on the desktop. This would be perfect for gaming, where a powerful, easily upgradable desktop PC can be remotely controlled by a laptop like device with a nice LCD.

Software solutions for this, like remotePC or PCAnywhere, just don't provide the framerates for decent gaming.

Are there any technical limitations as to why such a device does not exist? Or does is not exist because I am the only nut who thinks this would be neat! I really like sitting on a recliner and gaming on my laptop, but I cannot seem to afford getting a laptop powerful enough to play todays games! The desktops however seem much cheaper...


Golden Member
Oct 3, 2006
I really don't know much about this, because everytime that I have attempted to setup a similar configuration, something went wrong. However, I understand that you can do this with an ad hoc connection. I have no idea of what level of performance to expect.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2003
No, they don't make anything like that. At least as far as I know. It can be done, you just won't be using the laptop at all. You'd have to buy an LCD monitor, and then buy a video card with dual outputs, and a set of extensions for mouse, keyboard, and monitor, along with a wall mount for the LCD that will swivel.

Why wouldn't you just buy a more comfortable chair to sit in, while you're sitting in front of your PC, though?


Senior member
Sep 20, 2006
It's not possible to transfer decent resolutions at decent framerates over any domestic wireless products.

Best your going to get is 25fps @ 640x480 probably but at huge cost.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2003
Originally posted by: motomoto
why can't they build such a device into a laptop? (look at the picture)

then that laptop would never become obsolete! i could keep replacing/upgrading the backend desktop and always have a powerful laptop...

...because it costs $1200 (a $600 box on each end) and is limited to 1024x768@60Hz.

You need a pretty insane amount of bandwidth to push high-resolution digital feeds. And compressing/uncompressing them in real time might make the bandwidth requirement easier, but takes a ridiculous amount of computing power (or very expensive dedicated hardware, as in this solution).

Is it a nice idea? Sure. Microsoft (and others) have been pushing the "Smart Display" thing for at least a decade. But the technology to do it cheaply just still isn't there. When you have cheap gigabit wireless and/or a desktop that can encode compressed 1080p video on the fly while still playing your games without a hitch, this might fly.