Originally posted by: JEDIYoda
Originally posted by: clarkkent333
I'm on my 5th Dell 2405 and am completely sick of dealing with their horrible customer service. I've tried asking for a refund but I'm out of my 21 day return period so they're refusing saying I have to keep getting new monitors until I get one that works. I know that with cars, if after the third try it doesn't work, they let you return it. Anything like that for electronics?
okay not to sound brash but why your fifth?
Cinsidering this is your 5th I would say that your problem.....
You would think after severl comps and all the heartaches that you appear to be having you would have learned....
I seriously doubt that you will find any lemon laws concerning computers....
also lemon laws are meant to protect the consumer from having a specific induividual product that the manufacturer knows is a lemon...
Lemon laws are not meant to protect you from purchasing a new computer....
Lemon laws protect you the consumer from being resold a bad or faulty item that has already been sold once to a different party!!