No, Bubba is the fat greasy black janitor that lived in my high school and came out at night. When I was in high school we conducted a series of highly sofisticated experiments to test this hypothesis. These experiments mainly involved leaving food in semi-conspicuous places, and monitoring the state of the food's being there after certain intervals. Sure enough, in most cases Bubba would eat the food we had left for him. We know this because the food would no longer be there, and since we wouldn't eat it, it's only logical to conclude that no one other than Bubba would eat it either. After Bubba's existence was proven beyond a doubt in this way, I wrote a poem about him that got published in my high school newspaper.
Bubba's main claim to fame, besides eating our left-overs of course, is that he would strip down naked, and grease himself with crisco, then run down the hall and do a belly flop and see how far he could slide. We knew this because there is no other way to account for how the halls were always so greasy and nasty looking.