Is there any way to prevent junk faxes


Jul 31, 2002
We keep getting those junk faxes and its eating the ink on our all in one printer. Is there a way to stop them from coming while leaving the machine on?


Jul 31, 2002
yea but dont you first have to tell them to stop? We are just a student organization, so it would be hard for us to sue.


Dec 6, 1999
They usually don't have the "sent from" phone number, but rather a number so you can be "removed" from that sender's list, which they just sell to the next guy who will junk fax you, and so it continues.


May 13, 2002
Federal law provides damages for each and every violation of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act in the amount of $500. If the junk faxer willfully and knowingly violated the act, they can be assessed $1,500 for each violation! That means if you choose to take this on yourself, yow can be awarded these damages.

DO NOT take my word for this, but I BELIEVE they cannot send UNsolicited faxes......


Nov 23, 2002
Reply and when you get someone on the phone, ask for an address and a return fax number "in case you get cut off". Then fax them a REMOVE letter, which you will have ready for these jerks. Advise thewm that any other unsolicited fax will result in your organization sueing them in small claims court pursuant to the Federal Law 47 U.S.C. Section 227(b), which allows for a $500.00 per fax penalty.
A link for your info files.
Follow up with many calls to their 800 number to make sure they get it.
Small Claims is a breeze with this.
with some caveats....
Second, in some states it can prove difficult or impossible to bring action in small claims court against a defendant that resides out of state. In California for example, no one may sue in small claims court a defendant that resides out-of-state, unless that defendant (for example a corporation) has a agent for service of process in the state, the matter relates to in-state real estate or an automobile altercation. (Cal. Code Civ. Proc. Section 116.340(d).) In New York, the defendant must either reside, have an office for transaction of business or regular employment, within the city, district or municipality in which the small claims court sits. (N.Y. U.J.C.A. Section 1801, U.C.C.A Section 1801-A.)



Dec 6, 1999
How do you stop someone who sells numbers? You tell them to remove you from advertiser "A", and they do, but they then "sell" your # to advertiser "B" and so on. They do this by only giving you the number to reply to, not the number the fax was sent from, which I believe is federal law (all faxes sent must show *sending* number). We don't have caller ID at work...


Sep 25, 2000
Originally posted by: Sluggo
Sue em :)

yup. i used to have it as my sig:
Under TITLE 47, Sec. 227(b)(1) - It shall be unlawful for any person within the United States -- to use any telephone facsimile machine, computer, or other device to send an unsolicited advertisement to a telephone facsimile machine. (3) - A person or entity may bring in an appropriate court of that State (B) an action to recover for actual monetary loss from such a violation, or to receive $500 in damages for each such violation, whichever is greater.



Diamond Member
Nov 5, 2000
Use Fax software on a PC along with a fax modem, thereby you only have to print if you want the fax, a good ink saver...not ideal but an option.


No Lifer
Sep 29, 2000
If they have a return fax number fax them a bunch of black sheets of paper and burn their ink cartridge out.


Super Moderator | Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Skoorb
If they have a return fax number fax them a bunch of black sheets of paper and burn their ink cartridge out.



Administrator<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
If the fax came from a local or toll-free fax number, and your fax machine allows continuous feed, here's one thing that will make them sit up and take notice:

1. Tape a few sheets of paper together to make a long strip, and feed it into my fax machine.

2. Add an appropriately rude reply message, or better yet, use black, paper.

3. Start sending and once the leading edge comes through, tape the it to the trailing end of the strip.

Let it run for an hour or so. The spammer will receive a continuous fax that will eat his paper supply. If you include enough black area, it will also use up his fax supplies -- toner or ink for a laser or ink for an inkjet -- or burn out his print head on a thermal print head.

I've done this to fax spammers a couple of times. It works even better if you can do it at night when there may be no one at the spammer's end to notice what is happening. :)

< Update >

Looks like others had similar ideas while I was posting. The continuous loop idea is a good addition to this because it keeps running, and running, and running (like an Energizer bunny). :cool:


Golden Member
May 27, 2003
Originally posted by: AlienCraft
Reply and when you get someone on the phone, ask for an address and a return fax number "in case you get cut off". Then fax them a REMOVE letter, which you will have ready for these jerks. Advise thewm that any other unsolicited fax will result in your organization sueing them in small claims court pursuant to the Federal Law 47 U.S.C. Section 227(b), which allows for a $500.00 per fax penalty.
A link for your info files.
Follow up with many calls to their 800 number to make sure they get it.
Small Claims is a breeze with this.
with some caveats....
Second, in some states it can prove difficult or impossible to bring action in small claims court against a defendant that resides out of state. In California for example, no one may sue in small claims court a defendant that resides out-of-state, unless that defendant (for example a corporation) has a agent for service of process in the state, the matter relates to in-state real estate or an automobile altercation. (Cal. Code Civ. Proc. Section 116.340(d).) In New York, the defendant must either reside, have an office for transaction of business or regular employment, within the city, district or municipality in which the small claims court sits. (N.Y. U.J.C.A. Section 1801, U.C.C.A Section 1801-A.)

Then photocopy your butt and fax that to them.
Oct 9, 1999
The other night at 4am i get a fax call.. every 15 minutes it rang.. finally I pulled the plug.

Its a brand new line with less than 2 weeks old, and I do have a fax machine but it has to be connected to the phone. Only my brother and my mom (both from their work) faxed me stuff.

So I dont know how my number got put on the list..