T Thanatopsis Golden Member Feb 7, 2000 1,464 1 0 Jan 3, 2001 #2 About the same performance difference between a duron 600 and a celeron 800 for games In other words, you won't notice the difference, except for certain apps.
About the same performance difference between a duron 600 and a celeron 800 for games In other words, you won't notice the difference, except for certain apps.
V Volenti Member Feb 1, 2000 63 0 0 Jan 4, 2001 #4 The difference between cas2 and 3 on my machine is all of 50 3dmarks(4996-5056), or about 5fps in Q3 (102-107fps)
The difference between cas2 and 3 on my machine is all of 50 3dmarks(4996-5056), or about 5fps in Q3 (102-107fps)
A AMB Platinum Member Feb 4, 2000 2,587 0 0 Jan 4, 2001 #5 I can use my Crucial CAS 3 and CAS 2 without any problems. This site may be of use