The topic says it all. My V3 2000 PCI will only clock to 175, and I'm on a tight budget. Would it be worthwhile for me to get this card, or would I be best off wo wait till I can afford a *real* card?
wait till you can get a geforce 2 MX. Only 108 bucks online and a lot faster than a viper 2.
Dont bother with viper 2, s3 prob wont support since it sold off its graphics division.
Ditto with what the pink haired one said. The Viper 2 isn't really that good a card to be honest, and it's easily supassed in terms of speed and features by the Geforce 2 MX, which as pointed out can be had for a very reasonable price if you look around. To be honest though, why not stick with your Voodoo 3 a little longer (like I am ) - what are your reasons behind wanting to upgrade?
i agree with Adul. tho i got my voodoo3 2000PCI to 175(177 was somewhat stable, but i got alot of anomolies) i find it works well enough for UT and Half Life. plus i have no agp to get anything better, and not enough money for a voodoo4/5
My only reason for upgrading is because I like to have dual monitors. I have a crappy 2meg card in the AGP slot right now (just for 2d), and was thinking of something to do with the money burning a hole in my pocket.
Unless you get a S3 card thrown at you, forget about them, these guys are bad!
I think it's cleverer to wait for a better next gen solution than the ViperII. Wait for a Radeon or something.
Wait until you can afford a real card. My 2000 is at 175, and I get 58fps in Quake3 High Quality (well sort of HQ ), I woudln't buy any S3 graphics cards....if you are on a tight budget get a GF2MX, that is a nice upgrade over a V3-2000. and you can get them for like $110-130.
I woudln't waste the time and money on a Viper II, save up for a GeForce2MX
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