Is my Motherboard Dead??


Senior member
Jul 21, 2000
A few nights ago my computer froze up. I hit reset a few times and the monitor didnt "kick-in", which wasnt an un-common problem. So i reached around and fliped the powerswitch off and on again. Now the computer wont even start. NO fans are going, or anything. I thought it was my power supply but the little green light on the mobo is still on. I even tried a different power supply just to be sure, its not that though. So is my motherboard dead? or what? That little green light being on still makes me not sure what is wrong.


Platinum Member
Feb 25, 2000
Is it a new puter? I had a problem a couple days ago with a friends puter. It would not start sometimes but the fans would run. It turned out to be the modem. Go figure. Just for kicks pull out all your cards but your video and see what happens.