Ibm, 40GB.
Here's what happens: It works fine until I leave it alone for awile. Then it makes the sound of a hard drive going to sleep/waking up(I have it set to never), but then it continuously makes the sound. So it's kind of like whirr-click-whirr-click.... It's not making any un-harddrive like sounds, like clunk, which an old Bigfoot of mine did, but it's definatly wrong. Oh, also the computer freezes up as well.
So I restart and it continuously does the same noise, although there is a pause between power on and bios start. Eventually, the bios will not find it and continue. But it still goes whirr-click-whirr-click.... After a few tries of power down, power on, it works again.
So I'm wondering if this could be anything else other than a hard drive failure. Maybe I should've knocked on wood last night after my friend was telling me how good ibm was. I wish I was up to date on backing up. Good thing I got in on the deal with the 32x cendyne.
Here's what happens: It works fine until I leave it alone for awile. Then it makes the sound of a hard drive going to sleep/waking up(I have it set to never), but then it continuously makes the sound. So it's kind of like whirr-click-whirr-click.... It's not making any un-harddrive like sounds, like clunk, which an old Bigfoot of mine did, but it's definatly wrong. Oh, also the computer freezes up as well.
So I restart and it continuously does the same noise, although there is a pause between power on and bios start. Eventually, the bios will not find it and continue. But it still goes whirr-click-whirr-click.... After a few tries of power down, power on, it works again.
So I'm wondering if this could be anything else other than a hard drive failure. Maybe I should've knocked on wood last night after my friend was telling me how good ibm was. I wish I was up to date on backing up. Good thing I got in on the deal with the 32x cendyne.