Is it worth getting back into Age of Conan?


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2001
I haven't played the game in about 2 years. Does it still have a decent playerbase? I enjoyed it when I played, and got my character to lvl 71 or so. I can pick up the game + expansion for pretty cheap, just want to know if it's worth getting back into.


Apr 8, 2001
it's free to play forever!!!!

(read in .05pt font fine type: as long as user stays below level 20)


Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2003
Goes free to play tomorrow. I'm going to take another look. I've also heard something about some hardcore dedicated pvp servers. Hardcore in the death penalties greater than a corspse run sense, not hardcore Diablo-style characters deleted sense.


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2005
it's free to play forever!!!!

(read in .05pt font fine type: as long as user stays below level 20)

Meaning its a dead MMO for the most part. When a subscription MMO goes free that is not usually a good sign.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Meaning its a dead MMO for the most part. When a subscription MMO goes free that is not usually a good sign.

Not really. Some companies are discovering that F2P is actually more profitable. LoTRO and D&DO were two decent to very good MMOs that have enjoyed greater success after moving to a F2P model.

But in the case of AoC, I agree. It's a last effort to draw in players and make some money. I don't see this move attracting many new players since I assume most who would have been interested have had the chance to play up to level 20 for free for awhile now.


Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2003
This is what got me paying attention:

This style of gameplay is not for everyone, but there is a niche of MMO players who want death penalties a little more serious than "oh I died, I guess I walk back and respawn". All the original ultima online pvpers, and shadowbane players are a potential market for these servers. I want to see how they work, for sure, and if they are fun I might even spend some money on the game.

What would kill it would be if you could buy "power" in the cash shop. As long as the cash items are ornamental or convenience only (xp boosts, alternate mount skins, pets etc) I'll be happy.


Platinum Member
Nov 30, 2010
I'd be very interested in this game now that it's F2P, but the thing that's turning me off is the massive file I'll have to download since I can't find my original DVD. Didn't the game take up like 20GB in the original release?


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2008
I quite AoC because if you had XP nothing you could do to fix the stuttering. People who had windows 7 seem to not have this problem, so I quite.


Senior member
Aug 12, 2009
I quite AoC because if you had XP nothing you could do to fix the stuttering. People who had windows 7 seem to not have this problem, so I quite.

When I played at launch, I had a pretty good pc (not top of the line mind you), and ran on xp, and I had very good fps. something like 90fps in contained areas, 45fps in heavy populated areas. That was on xp. Didn't notice any stuttering either. I got up to level 40 or so before dropping that subscription.

I came back later, and got up to 58 or so. both times I dropped my sub, I actually liked the game, and didn't have any gameplay issues. It was because i ran out of content.

I'm a pretty casual mmo player. I prefer small sessions, where I can log in, play for an hour or two, and then stop. That means that dungeon groups for me are limited, since I can't devote the time to them (as a general rule). Generally I log in, grab whatever solo quests I can for a particular area, do them, then log out.

My first time, all I had were dungeon quests left, all solo quests gone, so I dropped my sub. I heard they added more content, so i came back. And they had. But, i still ran out of content again, but this time at 58.

I played a erm, I don't remember what the hell it was called. The glass cannon. Hex, or whatever. You know, the spellcaster that melee'd with a 2 handed sword. Heck of alot of fun to play.

I'm actually considering giving it another go, to see if any more content was added, so I can quest to my hearts content. But, if i ran out of solo quests again, then I'd quit, again :p

edit - i guess i should note, I think thats what my levels were. Perhaps it was 30 and 48 :D
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Sep 22, 2007
First time I've logged into the game in over a year and the first time with my newer vid card and damn, this game is beautiful. If any ATers are on Tyranny, PM me -- I'm a lvl 80 Conqueror.


Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2009
What happened to Guild Wars...wasnt it a non subscription MMO? what do you call such and how come no one else seems to be making games like that? Or do they just not make any expansion packs like they do for WOW. I like the Lore in WOW, they make some neat stuff and great artwork for it, but no way i'm paying to play and with cartoon graphics.

and how come Huxley never took off? i never hear anything about it but the idea of a FPS MMO sounds fun. but i've never played any cause i'm not into subscription fees...i did try to play D&D online when it went free but it wouldnt work.


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2010
I didnt like it to much, maybe because I dont know the LORE all that well...

But LORE is what will help SWTOR a great deal!

I may try DC Online since I am a HUGE Batman fan....
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Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2001
I decided to give Rift a try instead. I'm mostly enjoying it, but wish there was more variety in characters. I can only imagine how beautiful AOC would look on my current rig. :)

Hopefully Rift will keep me busy until Elder Scrolls V: Sykrim comes out.


Senior member
Aug 12, 2009
Holy Christ the updater is soooo sloowww

Out of curiosity, I went back and reupped it, and installed patched it last night. I think mine was downloading at a steady 500 m/sec...I'm used to at least twice that though :\

Apparently I had a 66 herald of xotli, a 40 barbarian, and a 40 ranger (archer?). I immediately found something out after logging on to the hex. I don't remember how to play the game at all :p

To relearn how to play, I might end up having to start a character from scratch. I died 2 times in the first 5 minutes, since I'd logged off my last time in the middle of an upper 60's zone, surrounded by a whole lot of mobs :D

Well, I haven't gotten tired of Aion atm, so I'll probably play AoC a little bit at a time, until I'm back up to speed with it.