I quite AoC because if you had XP nothing you could do to fix the stuttering. People who had windows 7 seem to not have this problem, so I quite.
When I played at launch, I had a pretty good pc (not top of the line mind you), and ran on xp, and I had very good fps. something like 90fps in contained areas, 45fps in heavy populated areas. That was on xp. Didn't notice any stuttering either. I got up to level 40 or so before dropping that subscription.
I came back later, and got up to 58 or so. both times I dropped my sub, I actually liked the game, and didn't have any gameplay issues. It was because i ran out of content.
I'm a pretty casual mmo player. I prefer small sessions, where I can log in, play for an hour or two, and then stop. That means that dungeon groups for me are limited, since I can't devote the time to them (as a general rule). Generally I log in, grab whatever solo quests I can for a particular area, do them, then log out.
My first time, all I had were dungeon quests left, all solo quests gone, so I dropped my sub. I heard they added more content, so i came back. And they had. But, i still ran out of content again, but this time at 58.
I played a erm, I don't remember what the hell it was called. The glass cannon. Hex, or whatever. You know, the spellcaster that melee'd with a 2 handed sword. Heck of alot of fun to play.
I'm actually considering giving it another go, to see if any more content was added, so I can quest to my hearts content. But, if i ran out of solo quests again, then I'd quit, again
edit - i guess i should note, I think thats what my levels were. Perhaps it was 30 and 48