is it safe to overclock my video card to this speeds ?


Junior Member
Mar 4, 2002
i have a gef3 ti 200 (gainward golden sample)
the factory clock is 200/450 (which is an overclock anyway considering that the gef3 ti 200 is supposed to run at 175/400)
i overclocked it to 250/544
it is pretty stable at this speeds (never a hangup or crash or for that matter anything unusual).

i just wanted to know the opinions of the gurus around about whether this would hurt the lifetime of my card if i continue running it at these speeds


Feb 1, 2000
doesnt seem that unreasonable, others have had it that high.

mine only does 220/470 :(


Platinum Member
Apr 15, 2002
;) A fantastic rule of thumb for o/c'ing any component is to use small steps and test thoroughly at each setting (3Dmark2001 loops). When you experience visual glitches, BSODs, lockups or reboots then you have found your limit. Once you find the limit back off a couple of notches to avoid ageing the card or getting future instability, running anything too near its limit is never a good idea. If you want to push a component beyond its normal limit then you can raise the voltage, but bear in mind increases are usually small (esp actual perf gains) and it will have a BIG effect on both heat output and ageing of the component. For gfx cards try raising the RAM first and then see how high the core will go, generally RAM increases are better than core increases but do play around. You may find the limits vary depending which you push first (eg 230/580 vs 250/544), benchmarking is a good indictaion of which is better, of course RAM increases don't produce much more heat unlike core increases.