Is it safe to leave a fan on a tnt2 unplugged?


May 6, 2000
I was helping a family with a home networking setup a few days ago, and one of the computers has a terrible problem... The fan on the tnt2 graphics card makes a horrendous noise... There is no way of removing/replacing the fan without actually ripping out the heatsink... This computer is just for business and personal use (email, etc) and no gaming. I was wondering if it would be safe to unplug the fan on the tnt2 since it's not being used for gaming... I'm thinking that I might have to underclock it, but I'm not certain. Thanks in advance.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2001
I don't even think the tnt2 puts out enough heat to warrant a fan, espescially if it isn't having to do any real 3d intensive apps. it should be ok, and if you really wanted too you could by a card cooler for like $12 bucks and slap that thing in next to it.