Is it possible to add custom message to bootable CD.


Senior member
Nov 17, 2002
Is it possible to add a custom message in a bootable winXP CD, which will show while installing? Any answers wizards?


Senior member
Nov 17, 2002
thanks for the direction but what I meant was, if it is possible to add custom 'message' not 'command'. That is for example , is it possible to add a line of salutation, which would appear on the screen, say at the start of the installation process or at any other stage?
I could not get the info from the links, that's why I am back asking you people if somebody has done it.


Platinum Member
Dec 20, 2002
This could easily be done in the beginning of the process. Set up your boot disk to call a batch file, and just clear screen, echo the text to the screen, and then pause.


Senior member
Nov 17, 2002
Hi Absolutdealage, thanks for the answer. Please let me explain before I make another request.

I could gather this much from your answer that I have to
1. Set up my boot CD to call a batch file
2. Clear screen
3. Echo the text to screen
4. Pause

I should tell you that I don't know how to do any of these. I have made a bootable CD of win XP, slipstreamed with SP1 and would like to add a personalized welcome message preferably at the start of the installation.

I posted my question on this thread because I couldnot get the answer at less geekish threads. But please let me clarify that I am still a noob and learning. I will highly appreciate if you will give me step by step instruction as to how to do it (it will be hreat if it is with an example). Alternatively you could point me to some site where I can get the desired info.

Thanks in advance!


Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2000
I do something similar. After installing windows I use sysprep to "reseal" the installation which will install company logos and run the windows setup with custom messages. Bascally when the customer first starts their new pc they have to agree to the EULA, enter their Windows product key, do their network setup and user setup. It congratulates them at the beginning and thanks them for buying a machine from us.

Look up info on sysprep and Windows Deploy tools to learn how to do this.


Platinum Member
Dec 20, 2002
Originally posted by: unbiased

I should tell you that I don't know how to do any of these. I have made a bootable CD of win XP, slipstreamed with SP1 and would like to add a personalized welcome message preferably at the start of the installation.

If you want to display the message in DOS mode, before the installation process begins, you can create a batch file and dump it into your autoexec.bat

Try something like this:

echo "Thank you for choosing unbiased."

If you want to have the message display within windows setup, or on the Welcome page after the installation is complete, you are going to need to do some research into the deployment tools. You can check out the help file in Support\Tools\ on your winXP cd.


Senior member
Nov 17, 2002
Thanx again absolutdealage!
i have prepared the batch file. Now as you said I have to set up my installation CD to call this Batch file at the start of installation. Can you tell me how to do that? Using DOS' Call command I prsume?