is it ok to mix match brands and gpu clock speeds for sli or wait for next generation architecture?


Mar 10, 2009
so i have a gtx 260 right now,

1st upgrade path=buy another gtx 260

2nd upgrade path=wait for dx11

1st upgrade path question, if i have a stock reference clock 260 from lets say..evga, if i buy a say bfg 260 oced will it work with the stock card?what if i oc the stock card to the same clock speed as the oced card?

2nd upgrade path question=if i buy a new dx11 gpu, will the 260 be useable for say physics or to simply help folding?(i know sli is impossible)


Platinum Member
Jun 18, 2001
I believe nvidia is allowing pairing of different cards for physics and I am almost positive it would work for folding, at this point unless you really need the speed I would wait for dx11, I would suspect nvidia and amd will have their cards out before windows 7's release date (or at least very close) and there aren't too many games now that should really stress at 260 unless you run at a really high resolution.


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2004
GTX 260 used for PhysX?

Wow, what a total overkill...

For F@H you may or may not be able to make this work in one box. I found (much to my dismay) that my shiny new GTX 260 would not play nice with either of my G92-based cards (8800GTS and 9800GTX+) - I simply could not enable Folding on the second GPU no matter what with two mixed-generation cards installed in the same system. I eventually used the EVGA StepUp program to upgrade the 9800GTX+ to a second GTX 260 and now both are happily crunching together in my folding rig. The 8800GTS is in my secondary box crunching by itself.

When the DX11 cards come out I plan to replace the GTS and should see a nice improvement in ppd from that box.