I am currently looking at possible solutions to replace VirtualBox and have a new server on the way. Meanwhile I'm playing around on my production server with host based stuff that does not require to actually install a hypervisor. Playing with KVM/Qemu/libvirt (I'm still confused about which is which, or if they're the same thing) and one thing I noticed is that it is BLOODY SLOW. For example, it takes about 30 minutes to boot off a live CD. Everything is just so slow. It's like if it's self limiting it's internal disk I/O to like 100 bytes per second or something. Once an OS is actually loaded, stuff like moving the cursor is fine, but disk access is brutal. I know as a fact it's not Disk I/O since at one point I had 7+ VMs running on this server and now I have none since I had to disable virtualbox in order to play with this so the raid arrays are all idle.
Is there any kind of optimizations or something I have to do? This is an older machine, but it's not a 486 either.
Chances are I will probably end up going with proxmox though but I can only try this once I get the new server so I want to see if I can get KVM to work as I like the fact that it's standard with Linux and uses raw disks that I can actually mount as a loop device or w/e if I want to. I think proxmox uses KVM too though.
I just fired up a VM that eventually got Xubuntu installed on it (had to leave it overnight, took like 8 hours) and it's been "booting from harddisk" for over half an hour now.
Is there any kind of optimizations or something I have to do? This is an older machine, but it's not a 486 either.
Chances are I will probably end up going with proxmox though but I can only try this once I get the new server so I want to see if I can get KVM to work as I like the fact that it's standard with Linux and uses raw disks that I can actually mount as a loop device or w/e if I want to. I think proxmox uses KVM too though.
I just fired up a VM that eventually got Xubuntu installed on it (had to leave it overnight, took like 8 hours) and it's been "booting from harddisk" for over half an hour now.