What type of job / position? What company? Was it for a contract?
I'll give you a scenerio to think about and let you decide if you should call:
Lets say, Company ABC, Inc. publishes numerous job openings (System Admin, Engineer, Analyst, Programmer, etc.. etc..).
The company uses Monster.com and Dice, for example.
The company then recieves all these submissions from applicants, such as yourself.
*(Here is where it gets sneaky)*
Company ABC now has a pile of resumes. Alot of them are very qualified applicants. But, before the company even posted the job postings, they had already had an idea of who they are going to hire and fill the positions with.
Behind the scenes, company uses this "filler" resumes to draft up their proposal and make a bid on a contract.
Basically, the company needs as many resumes and applicants as possible (Even if they had NO intentions of interviewing you) to present to the client, in hopes of pursuading them to award the company with the contract.
Company then wins the contract; never contacts you at all, because you were not in the running to begin with. Other people get hired; probably already been interviewed prior to the jobs even posted on the job source sites.