<< If the Taliban or Bin Laden had nukes, you can bet those psycho bastards would have used them by now. >>
Maybe not, they may be biding their time, waiting for the best opportunity. Saving the best for last, sorta speak.
So, there may be some doubt as to whether bin Laden actually has some nukes. However, there can be no doubt about this: if he has them, if he gets them, he will use them against the United States. It is not a matter of if, but when.
Anyone who is operating under the presumption that the U.S. would be better not to 'provoke' or 'aggravate' these Islamic fundamentalists, and therefore would prevent an 'escalation' of force from hijacked airliners to nukes, does so because they do not understand what Islamic fundamentalism is.
The fanatical Islamic fundamentalists believe western culture, NOT the United States specifically, but western culture is the work of the Great Satan. They believe this devil's work must be destroyed, so that Islamic beliefs can be the dominating world belief system. Why do you think they call it a "Holy War"? They believe they are fighting the Great Satan, good vs. evil.
Islamic fundamentalists target the U.S. because we are the most influencial country promoting our western values and culture to the world. Islamic fundamentalists hate Britain just as much, they are another example of Great Satan's work, but strategically Britain is a small fish compare to the United States, and so they attack the United States first. Rest assured, ANY country who subscribes to western values over Islamic values, is on their list of countries to wage Jihad against.
Even moderate Arab states and muslims are not immune from fanatical fundamentalist attack. They will seek to convert those states into more Taliban ruled Afghanistans, and yes they will kill moderate Muslims who oppose them them if it comes right down to it. But, if you're Muslim, they will give you the opportunity of conforming to their ways, because a moderate Muslim is still child of Allah who has just gone astray. No such mercy or forgiveness will be shown to non-Muslims.
This is a war against our very ideals and principles (democracy, human rights, racial and gender equality, civil liberties, religious freedom, free speech, etc.), not retaliation for U.S. support of Israel or involvment in the Middle East. That is a ruse, a diversion, from the true motivation behind this fanatical movement. This is very important to understand, because nothing can save us from this "Holy War", except to kill the ones who wage this "Holy War" before they kill us.