Is Intel really that far ahead?


Golden Member
Dec 7, 2004
I was just playing around with the new Bench feature and compared my current cpu to the slowest Core I 530 and it actually wins in almost every benchmark. I'm currently running my rigs cpu at a 3.4Ghz OC but assuming I could OC the 530 to between 3.6-4.0Ghz like many folks, I think this would be quite a boost in performance. I put together a budget cpu/mobo/ram for $329 since I can reuse the other parts and am sorely tempted to try this out. What do you guys think?


Golden Member
Jun 8, 2010
Don't bother.

Yeah the i3-530 does beat the X3 720 in most applications, but it's not enough of an upgrade to be worth $300+, especially when you're running an HD 3870 graphics card.


CPU, Cases&Cooling Mod PC Gaming Mod Elite Member
Super Moderator
Sep 28, 2005
Don't bother.

Yeah the i3-530 does beat the X3 720 in most applications, but it's not enough of an upgrade to be worth $300+, especially when you're running an HD 3870 graphics card.

+1 to this.

upgrade your gpu.

you will be much happier with that upgrade.

Or an SSD, if your current IO is slow.


Golden Member
Dec 18, 1999
Looks like he already has a good enough SSD (listed in his sig)...the 3.4ghz phenom won't be as fast as you could almost certainly make the core i3 go....lot of the core i3's will hit like 4.3-4.5ghz from what I've seen and heard. However I think the phenom is good enough cpu wise for sure...

Go grab a 5850 or gtx460 :)


Elite Member
Aug 26, 2000
I was just playing around with the new Bench feature and compared my current cpu to the slowest Core I 530 and it actually wins in almost every benchmark. I'm currently running my rigs cpu at a 3.4Ghz OC but assuming I could OC the 530 to between 3.6-4.0Ghz like many folks, I think this would be quite a boost in performance. I put together a budget cpu/mobo/ram for $329 since I can reuse the other parts and am sorely tempted to try this out. What do you guys think?

That very CPU bench shows me the PII X3 beating the i3 quite often, and neither having a massive advantage over the other (though the PII seems to get the overall advantage). Even with overclocking in the picture, it won't be anywhere near worth $300+. You did good when you got your PII X3. Sit on it, at least until mid/late 2011.

+1 to a new video card. With those monitors, even older games will get plenty of benefit from something newer and better than a HD 3870.


Feb 26, 2001
Why is your x3 sitting at 3.4ghz? You can get a least 3.7/3.8 out of that thing.


Elite Member
Sep 5, 2003
I was just playing around with the new Bench feature and compared my current cpu to the slowest Core I 530 and it actually wins in almost every benchmark. I'm currently running my rigs cpu at a 3.4Ghz OC but assuming I could OC the 530 to between 3.6-4.0Ghz like many folks, I think this would be quite a boost in performance. I put together a budget cpu/mobo/ram for $329 since I can reuse the other parts and am sorely tempted to try this out. What do you guys think?

Not only is the i3 530 a joke of a CPU, but to "upgrade" from a triple core AMD to it is just a waste of $$. Plus when you are buying into a dying platform, it makes no sense not to get at least a Core i5 760.

Honestly, you have money to burn, get a new videocard. That 3870 is the slowest component in your system by far. $100 4870, $140 5770, $220 GTX460, $250-270 5850/GTX470. You have lots of options!


Diamond Member
May 6, 2004
Why is your x3 sitting at 3.4ghz? You can get a least 3.7/3.8 out of that thing.

Not very much so in my own experience and memory. Haven't seen those go past 3.6 that often, at least as far as AT results go. Mine couldn't even do 3.4 reliably with proper lapping.


May 22, 2007
if you really wanna get crazy then upgrade to an i7.

I've seen an asrock brand new several times for $70 in hot deals, and evga x58 sli le for $80 in bstock for the entire month of july.

microcenter $199 i7 930.

~ $100 for ddr3.

that would be $370 for a real upgrade. you need to be patient on the mobo deals, no telling when/if they will come around again.

if you wanted to upgrade the 3870 you would have posted in video. 4.0 on an i7 930 is pretty much a slam dunk. getting to 4.2+ is just a matter of adequate cooling. THAT would be an enormous upgrade. And lots of fun to overclock. and benchmark. talk to aigo if you really wanna get crazy and WC. just be disciplined and wait for a good mobo deal. :twisted:


Oct 9, 1999
is intel that far ahead, Yes.

Is it worth it to go from a AMD tri core to a Intel dual core, No.


Sep 19, 2000
is intel that far ahead, Yes.

Is it worth it to go from a AMD tri core to a Intel dual core, No.

Yep I agree with this.

AMD is STILL playing at the levels of the Core2s of yesteryear. Phenom's were a huge disappointment, and Phenom 2's are just marginally better.

If you want absolute speed, right now intel can't be beat. (Which is sad, we really need AMD to step it up.)


Platinum Member
Nov 4, 2009
Phenom 2's are just marginally better.
Marginally better clock for clock (5-10 percent), but they are far better in maximum clockspeeds (Phenom I topped out at around 3.1, Phenom II today reaches 4.0 - 4.2). Even the CPU-NB speeds have improved almost as much.

The overall picture, then, from Phenom I to Phenom II is not just "marginally better" -> 5-10pct clock for clock advantage, then up to 1GHz better clockspeeds - that can probably make a good 30-40 percent jump, depending on what Phenom I X4 you had before jumping to a Phenom II X4 955/965, even at stock (the 9950 was 2.6GHz, the 965 is 3.4, even at stock that's already 800MHz more)

Not that it makes any difference between Intel vs AMD today, but just to set the record straight regarding "marginal improvement". Yes, they are outclassed by Intel's better processors, but saying "Phenom II is just marginally better than Phenom I" is a bit inaccurate.


Golden Member
Aug 26, 2008
The problem is LGA1156 has a lifespan limited to only about 6 more months(for new products). In early 2011 the LGA1155 CPU's will be announced and obsolete any Core i3 and i5's of today.


Apr 27, 2000
Yep I agree with this.

AMD is STILL playing at the levels of the Core2s of yesteryear. Phenom's were a huge disappointment, and Phenom 2's are just marginally better.

If you want absolute speed, right now intel can't be beat. (Which is sad, we really need AMD to step it up.)

While Intel has a decisive lead with Gulftown that can not be challenged, Thuban has done a good job challenging Bloomfield and Lynnfield, especially when overclocking is taken into account. Unfortunately, this challenge arrived about 1.5 years after Bloomfield first launched.

To say that AMD is still playing at the levels of Core2s is simply false.

That being said, I don't see how any of this commentary really helps the OP. Were I in his shoes, I, too, would stick with an x3 720 BE instead of moving to a core i3 530. Clarkdale can be . . . interesting in certain scenarios, but the 530 just doesn't seem to be worth it given what he's already got.


Oct 9, 1999
While Intel has a decisive lead with Gulftown that can not be challenged, Thuban has done a good job challenging Bloomfield and Lynnfield, especially when overclocking is taken into account. Unfortunately, this challenge arrived about 1.5 years after Bloomfield first launched.

To say that AMD is still playing at the levels of Core2s is simply false.

That being said, I don't see how any of this commentary really helps the OP. Were I in his shoes, I, too, would stick with an x3 720 BE instead of moving to a core i3 530. Clarkdale can be . . . interesting in certain scenarios, but the 530 just doesn't seem to be worth it given what he's already got.

Thuban has done a very poor job of challenging anything. a Quad core i5-750(clocked slower than a 1055T) still beats the 1055T in many benchmarks, and they are over a year late to the party. It's sad that a AMD 6 core still cant beat a slower clocked intel quad that doesnt even have hyperthreading.


Apr 27, 2000
Thuban has done a very poor job of challenging anything. a Quad core i5-750(clocked slower than a 1055T) still beats the 1055T in many benchmarks, and they are over a year late to the party. It's sad that a AMD 6 core still cant beat a slower clocked intel quad that doesnt even have hyperthreading.

The 750 can beat the 920 in some benchmarks too, especially ones that don't spawn more than four threads. Why? Simple: Turbo. AMD's implementation of turbo isn't that great, and LGA1156's implementation of Turbo is more aggressive than LGA1366's, so that's where the 750 shines. Well, sort of.

Overclock the 750 and 1055T to 4+ ghz (where Turbo is going to be off), tweak the 1055T's NB, and the 1055T starts to clean up.

No it is not, its accurate, core2quad intel at 3.0Ghz vs AMD quad at 3.0Ghz, both DDR2 systems

AMD's fastest quad runs at 3.4 ghz stock, and you're ignoring the x6 for some reason. AMD has, in fact, managed to release a CPU faster than the Q9650.

Hell, Lopri was getting 81 GFlops out of Linpack @ 4 ghz with high NB speed and memory speed . . . simply amazing. Most Core i7s, post-OC, get around 45-55 GFlops depending on how its set up. The processing power is there, it's just a matter of getting people to use it.

Still not sure how this relates to the OP but oh well.
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Oct 9, 1999
The 750 can beat the 920 in some benchmarks too, especially ones that don't spawn more than four threads. Why? Simple: Turbo. AMD's implementation of turbo isn't that great, and LGA1156's implementation of Turbo is more aggressive than LGA1366's, so that's where the 750 shines. Well, sort of.

Overclock the 750 and 1055T to 4+ ghz (where Turbo is going to be off), tweak the 1055T's NB, and the 1055T starts to clean up.

Do you have any 1055T 4Ghz vs i5 4Ghz benches? i have been looking for some for a while and was unable to find any from a reputable site. I cant see the 1055T being any further ahead at the same clockspeeds(4Ghz vs 4Ghz)

Intel just has too much of a clock for clock advantage at the moment. Hopefully bulldozer will change things up and force intel to start lowering prices.


Oct 9, 1999
AMD's fastest quad runs at 3.4 ghz stock, and you're ignoring the x6 for some reason. AMD has, in fact, managed to release a CPU faster than the Q9650.

Still not sure how this relates to the OP but oh well.

It was the only 3Ghz intel core2 on anands bench program, and the 940 was the only DDR2 AMD Phenom II and also happened to be at 3Ghz. Wanted to keep it at the same clock speeds and memory for a fair comparison. Assuming they scale the same when overclocking it would be the same results at 3.4Ghz.

And it goes to show that the Phenom II is indeed still competeing with intels last gen tech.

Sorry OP for getting offtopic.


Apr 27, 2000
Do you have any 1055T 4Ghz vs i5 4Ghz benches? i have been looking for some for a while and was unable to find any from a reputable site.

No. In fact, I haven't seen many 750s tested at 4 ghz, period. 3.7-3.8ghz seems to be a more common overclock for those chips. 920 d0s fared better, especially the early ones.

I cant see the 1055T being any further ahead at the same clockspeeds(4Ghz vs 4Ghz)

I can, and the LinX numbers Lopri put up prove the point, even if that isn't exactly a "real world" bench. Mark has reported superior f@h performance out of his Thuban as well. There are clearly scenarios where Thuban can excel versus a Bloomfield or Lynnfield at the same clockspeed, and with the E0 stepping having such a strong NB and IMC, there's a lot of room for performance tweaking.

And then aigo shows up with a 980x or 990x and it's time to go to the woodshed. Such is life.