Is getting WinXP Pro worth the extra money?


Platinum Member
Oct 15, 1999
NewEgg has WinXP Home for $90 and the Pro version for $139. I am aware of the differences between the two according to the FAQ and as long as I can use NTFS from the install with the Home version, it should be fine for me. What concerns me is future upgradability, I am worried that by going with Home now, I might lose out on an upgrade path to the next Pro version of Windows (whenever that comes out). Also, I am worried that I used some of the Pro features and do not realize it with my cable modem attached computer. Any thoughts on this and would the extra $49 for the Pro might be worth it on a gamble that the next Pro version of Windows will have some killer features in it? Thanks.

Not General Hardware related.

AnandTech Moderator


Senior member
Jul 1, 2002
If you are fine with home's current features, i don't know why you're concerned with upgrading to PRO later. 99% of users will never get any advantage from using PRO over HOME. If money is a concern then get the HOME version. Of course I can't tell you much about cost/performance cause I pirated XP Proffessional Saturday night for my new rig...hehe...


Senior member
Oct 1, 2001
The main advantage I see in Pro over Home Edition for a home user is for situations where you have a variety of different users on the machine and need to tailor the types of access each user has to the machine. Since Home Edition lacks a group policy editor, and also has a more limited version of RUNAS (no /savecred switch) the Pro version is, in my book, a far better OS for the home user.

- Collin