Sorta weird and maybe a coincidence, but my 2d performance has taken a huge step up on my MSI-Geforce2GTS. I used to have an 80mm fan right on top of it blowing air directly at it for no reason. I thought i was going to oc the card, but i never did. Well, recently i installed a new HD and i took off the fan so i can have easier access. Now, without the fan, i can easily see a huge increase in my 2D quality.
High res past 1280x1024, letters used to be a bit blurred, not too bad, but enough to notice, but now it is crystal clear! I don't know if the electromagnetic radiation from the fan affects the 2D filter on the Vid card, but im not putting that fan back on now. Of course, i still have the stock chip fan on the card, but no 80mm fan on it.
Anybody have thoughts/theories on this? I think tomorrow im going to put the fan back just to see if that was the factor and i will get back to u guys.