Is Gattaca any good? *NO SPOILERS*


Platinum Member
Jun 17, 2002
I thought it was a great movie good story line if you like Sci-Fi. Its one of my all time favorites. Not a real action blow something up every min type of movie though. Its more of a true sci-fi, you know give's us a msg about our sociaity by telling and exagerated story set in different time/place.


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2003
I rather liked it. I wish there were more movies in the same vein. SMART SCI FI MOVIES


Diamond Member
Sep 25, 2002
Originally posted by: Jadow
I rather liked it. I wish there were more movies in the same vein. SMART SCI FI MOVIES
Agreed; sci fi is a genre littered with sub par material throughout, movies like Gattaca shine through.


Zim Hosein

Super Moderator | Elite Member
Super Moderator
Nov 27, 1999
Originally posted by: jonmullen
BTW where is the poll?

I don't think a poll is required as everyone has said yes so far jonmullen :)

Someone who was trying to send me a message asked me to watch the show. I was all excited and a little frantic 'cuz he asked me not to read the reviews or summary first. I guess he thought I would have gotten what he wanted me to see but I wouldn't understand the context. I said, this movie better be good. Nonetheless, I gave him the benefit of doubt.

But guess what? I was disappointed. The book and idea behind the movie is intelligent, meaningful and philosophical. I liked that philosopy a lot. However, the acting was terrible. The setting was terrible too. The technology used to enhance the feel of what the world at that time had become was at the very least poor.

So, I liked the idea behind the movie and would give solely the idea a 4.5. On the other hand, I would give the acting, setting and quality a 3 (out of 5).

I told the person who recommended it that I would put him a step lower in trusting his judgment if he disappointed me with his choice in this case. And I have to say that I was disappointed, but I didn't mind overall. It isn't the type of movie that I would be pissed about if someone put it and tortured me to watch it for that period.


Platinum Member
Jun 17, 2002
Originally posted by: Zim Hosein
Originally posted by: jonmullen
BTW where is the poll?

I don't think a poll is required as everyone has said yes so far jonmullen :)

yah, but it really gets the point across ;), plus its rare everyone on ATOT aggres.


May 15, 2001
movie was fairly good, but I was expecting a bit more from it, since I myself just saw it a month ago

"yah, but it really gets the point across , plus its rare everyone on ATOT aggres."

Actually, no, Alpha Target1 and I do not agree with everyone else. Although I do think that his view is different from mine, for I didn't think that it just plain sucked. What I thought was that the idea was great but the acting, setting and quality sucked and was disappointing. Hence the show was not anything like it should and could have been. I gave it a 4.5 (out of 5) for idea. And then a 3 for performance (i.e., the movie itself).