Debate is on both sides here.
Some say: You are selfish for having an abundance of children and not thinking of the human population as a whole. Ultimately, they need more and feed more in life - especially if you are living off government assistance. But the main emphasis I believe, is that we are already a population that is growing tremendously, we don't need anymore families with 6-kids.
Others say: You are selfish for taking the life of someone else's. Be it that they were alive or not alive in the womb, it was a possible life on this earth - and you are selfish for being the person that gets to decide if they live or not.
Personally, I don't quite identify with either of those.
My opinion: I don't know if I sway one way or another as far as the whole "selfish" clause is concerned. However, I will definitely vouch that having an abortion when you are struggling to pay for your own life is
definitely a step in the "accountability/responsibility" direction.
...What if it was your kid? I would say that is most certainly your business.
Part of the reason I fucking loathe the whole "MY BODY, MY CHOICE" phrase that feminist love to spit out their disgusting mouths. God forbid you consider the other half that is responsible for the kid too. No no no, you're the box that holds it, so you get to be the sole decision maker