Is AnandTech affected by the Heartbleed bug?

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Golden Member
Jan 19, 2010
I think all the websites that BLINDLY TOOK THIS UPDATE from OPENSSL are stupid and I wouldnt be on any of them!!!!!!

They need to DROP OPENSSL and go with another company for thier SSL certs.. NO ONE KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT HAS HAPPEND OR WHO IS INVOLVED!! (CIA,etc)

Many sites have just replaced thier certs WITH MORE OPENSSL CERTS!! (Which may also be compromised) -- If I ran a website,I WOULD DUMP THEM!!!!!!!! (Its stupid to blindly "accept thier fix" as a solution to this problem!!)


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
I think all the websites that BLINDLY TOOK THIS UPDATE from OPENSSL are stupid and I wouldnt be on any of them!!!!!!

They need to DROP OPENSSL and go with another company for thier SSL certs.. NO ONE KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT HAS HAPPEND OR WHO IS INVOLVED!! (CIA,etc)

Many sites have just replaced thier certs WITH MORE OPENSSL CERTS!! (Which may also be compromised) -- If I ran a website,I WOULD DUMP THEM!!!!!!!! (Its stupid to blindly "accept thier fix" as a solution to this problem!!)

Uhm, "OpenSSL" is not a certificate authority. They don't hand out SSL certs.

OpenSSL is an open-source code package, for implementing SSL. There was nothing wrong with the SSL certs (per se), but with the code running on the server that managed the SSL transactions. And, unfortunately, the breach was so severe, that the private key(s) of those SSL certs may (well, assume that they were) compromised. Hence, needing to get new ones, AFTER patching the hole in the source code on the server.


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2008
I think all the websites that BLINDLY TOOK THIS UPDATE from OPENSSL are stupid and I wouldnt be on any of them!!!!!!

They need to DROP OPENSSL and go with another company for thier SSL certs.. NO ONE KNOWS EXACTLY WHAT HAS HAPPEND OR WHO IS INVOLVED!! (CIA,etc)

Many sites have just replaced thier certs WITH MORE OPENSSL CERTS!! (Which may also be compromised) -- If I ran a website,I WOULD DUMP THEM!!!!!!!! (Its stupid to blindly "accept thier fix" as a solution to this problem!!)

I don't think you know what you're talking about.
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