Hey man there's no need to get pissy.12 years here and you should now how to look at the numerous benchmarks. you also should know to list all of your other specs including resolution when asking a question like this.
well why should others go look up the benchmarks when you are capable of doing it yourself? also there is a sticky right there in front of you that tells you to list ALL your other specs. there is no excuse for you acting like a noobie here after this long.Hey man there's no need to get pissy.
I'm asking others for their opinion. If you feel the need to flame please go outside and do it to someone else.
I have a 2500k at 4.5ghz and 12gb of ram if that helps.
if you are new here or hardly ever post then I understand. acting lazy and helpless after 12 years and 12 thousand posts makes no sense. even most of the brand new people here at least post their specs like they are supposed to.
Im pretty sure dude is just wanting to throw around the idea with other people. No need to get upset about it.
I'd say no OP. Unless its a ti. If its just a plain 560 save your cash for a true upgrade.
if you are new here or hardly ever post then I understand. acting lazy and helpless after 12 years and 12 thousand posts makes no sense. even most of the brand new people here at least post their specs like they are supposed to.
I call them like I see them but I did not say lazy and helpless until my third reply here.You could've pointed that out by directing him to the sticky without the lazy/helpless comments. If you thought he should check out benchmarks, you could've done that too, again without the lazy/helpless comments. I believe that's what's been done in other threads.
Your response seemed more like an attack against him personally rather than stating why his OP failed. If I see a thread that I think is pointless, I choose to not respond or I choose to help the person make it a better thread. I don't think calling a person lazy and helpless in the tech forums is the correct response regardless of how many posts they have.
12 years and over 12 thousand posts here so you should know how to look at the numerous benchmarks. you also should know to list all of your other specs including resolution when asking a question like this.
lol, there would have been no nonsense and flaming if you had just taken a few minutes to look at gtx560 reviews and listed your specs. a gtx560 sli setup might not be bad for 300 bucks but again you need to list your specs. but yeah I would recommend waiting for a faster singe card if possible.Ok I'm not going to respond to the flames and the nonsense.
I'm coming to the realization that a GTX 560 is a sidegrade for me.
I'm going to wait for the GTX 670 and 660 to come out and hopefully drive down the prices of the faster cards like the GTX 580.
Toyota I came in here looking for people's opinions. If you need to flame someone please take your problems out on someone else.
NOBODY can tell you if gtx560 sli is really a good option or not since you refuse to list all your specs. in general a gtx560 is NOT worth upgrading to over your gtx460 which AGAIN only takes a few minutes to figure out.I've got the upgrade itch and the GTX 560 is on sale for $149 where I live. I'm thinking about getting two of them for SLI.
I'm wondering if even a single one would be a good upgrade for me. I have a GTX 460 768mb.
Ok I'm not going to respond to the flames and the nonsense.
I'm coming to the realization that a GTX 560 is a sidegrade for me.
I'm going to wait for the GTX 670 and 660 to come out and hopefully drive down the prices of the faster cards like the GTX 580.