iphone 4s vs galaxy nexus + ipod touch

Mar 15, 2003
My galaxy nexus has been flaking on me recently, the worst of it is audio switching channels and on and off randomly. I've converted pretty much all iOS after my wife got her iphone 5 (and I love my ipad 4), but I don't want to spend too much over $300, so an iphone 4s is in my budget (I prepay and don't like contracts and like saving 40 bucks a month). But the current ipod touch seems more powerful - would using the galaxy nexus for all communication tasks (phone, email, calendar, etc.) and the ipod touch for games/music be a wiser choice? Or a needless hassle?


Elite Member
Jul 27, 2002
Sounds very much like the situation where I was not too long ago, but slightly different. After I gave my iPhone 4 to my dad (whose iPhone got stolen), I had to make a decision - I had no phone, but only Nexus 7. I was waiting for Nexus 4 to be available, but it turned out to be quite a long wait. So I had a couple of weeks without phone (used GrooveIP on Nexus 7), then got a dumb phone just for voice calls and text messages. I left all "smart" stuff to Nexus 7. Just as how things usually turn out after my purchases, right after then Nexus 4 got back in stock. :colbert:

Thankfully the expenses on the dumb phone was minuscule and now I am settled with N4/N7.

So if I read your situation correctly, you'd like to use Galaxy Nexus for voice/text (and perhaps tethering), while doing "smart" stuff on iPod, correct?

Then the obvious question becomes: Why not iPad mini or Nexus 7? The answer I presume is portability, but won't you eventually upgrade your Galaxy Nexus some day? Be that iPhone or some other Android phone.

Which OS do you see yourself prefer in the future? If you see yourself getting a future iPhone, I suppose your plan can work out. (even then, I would look at a tablet option) If Android is in your future, then I'd say dump the Galaxy Nexus and get a Nexus 4.


Platinum Member
Oct 22, 2004
So you would be using two devices when the Nexus potentially does everything you need? Why not pursue fixing the sound issue with your Nexus? It could be a simple software problem that would a worst require a reset and reinstall apps. I would suggest doing that before making any decision to that invloves me carrying two devices.



Mar 9, 2000
is it a hardware or software problem? does it happen when you use speakers? bluetooth?

i think it is a needless hassle, it is not worth it to carry two devices around unless you have a purse or backpack to stow it away in.


Mar 11, 2000
I'd stick it out with the Nexus and then get an iPhone 5 when the 5S/6 comes out in 6 months.


Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2001
It sounds like you're pretty much converting to iOS, and are basically looking to use the iPod Touch for everything and the GNex for just phone calls and text. Sooo...

I'd stick it out with the Nexus and then get an iPhone 5 when the 5S/6 comes out in 6 months.

This is what I would do in your situation.


Senior member
May 18, 2010
My galaxy nexus has been flaking on me recently, the worst of it is audio switching channels and on and off randomly. I've converted pretty much all iOS after my wife got her iphone 5 (and I love my ipad 4), but I don't want to spend too much over $300, so an iphone 4s is in my budget (I prepay and don't like contracts and like saving 40 bucks a month). But the current ipod touch seems more powerful - would using the galaxy nexus for all communication tasks (phone, email, calendar, etc.) and the ipod touch for games/music be a wiser choice? Or a needless hassle?

i would get the iphone 4s or better 5 if i was in your situation and i am not even an apple advocate. if both you and your wife moving everything to that platform than you mind as well make the full plunge instead of having to deal with all the hassles of making things work between the two platforms.


aka Brandon
Jul 18, 2004
Using 2 devices these days is silly. If all your music is on iTunes already then stick with iOS for everything. The real question is get a 4s now, or wait and get a 5 when it's cheaper? I say wait for 5
Mar 15, 2003
So you would be using two devices when the Nexus potentially does everything you need? Why not pursue fixing the sound issue with your Nexus? It could be a simple software problem that would a worst require a reset and reinstall apps. I would suggest doing that before making any decision to that invloves me carrying two devices.


Well, after a wipe I'm fairly certain it's a hardware problem but can't be without my phone for however long the repair process takes. I tried using bluetooth and it actually works fine but I just don't like bluetooth headsets (other than looking super nerdy in my stereo bluetooth headphones I prefer in ears on the subway), and music listening is what I use my phone for most.


Diamond Member
Nov 7, 2001
Well, after a wipe I'm fairly certain it's a hardware problem but can't be without my phone for however long the repair process takes. I tried using bluetooth and it actually works fine but I just don't like bluetooth headsets (other than looking super nerdy in my stereo bluetooth headphones I prefer in ears on the subway), and music listening is what I use my phone for most.

This is a bit off topic but which stereo bluetooth headphones have you tried? Music listening is what I use my phone most while commuting as well, but I also want to receive calls when I need to without fumbling around looking for my phone in my pocket, standing in a packed bus holding on with the other hand while the driver randomly braking and accelerating.

I found that the 'behind the neck' bluetooth headphones perfect for commuting on the bus every day. I actually just use a cheapo 'Kinivo' brand that will fold when I take it off so I can put it in my jacket pocket. It's not the greatest of headphones but it's loud and clear enough for me. There are obviously tons of other options if you want a different type and/or better audio quality.

The convenience of this versus having to bother with cords, plus I can receive calls when I need to by just pushing a button, I would never bother with corded headphones/earbuds anymore for commuting.

Five years ago I probably would think twice about wearing something like this in public and looking like a dork, but nowadays a lot of people had their giant Beats headphones on the bus, which to me looks at least three times more stupid, so I don't care about that now :D


Oct 18, 1999
Its probably your headphone connector jack. Dude, its like an 8 dollar part and will take you all of 15 mins to replace.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Its probably your headphone connector jack. Dude, its like an 8 dollar part and will take you all of 15 mins to replace.
You can replace a headphone jack in a smartphone in 15 min? Somehow I doubt this.

OP - If the audio without bluetooth is that important, I'd just grab a used phone until you can buy the new phone you want. The loss you'll take on the used phone over the time period shouldn't be that bad, unless you buy a newer phone that depreciates a little faster than an older phone (like the GN).


Golden Member
Jan 11, 2011
You can replace a headphone jack in a smartphone in 15 min? Somehow I doubt this.

OP - If the audio without bluetooth is that important, I'd just grab a used phone until you can buy the new phone you want. The loss you'll take on the used phone over the time period shouldn't be that bad, unless you buy a newer phone that depreciates a little faster than an older phone (like the GN).

The Gnex is wonderfully modular. If you know what you are doing I would believe it. That being said, for the average individual who doesn't work on phones or other electronics it can be a pretty daunting task.


Diamond Member
Oct 23, 2005
Get the 4S or wait for the 5 on discount when the 5S comes out. You do not want to be carrying two devices around.

Plus since you're converting all iOS, it'll be easier to manage if all of your devices are iOS.