iPhone 4 Screen - cracked in my pocket.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
Just letting everyone know of my experience.

My phone has been in a case AND in an Invisible Shield. It was in my pocket, alone, with no keys or ANYTHING else in my pocket. I don't weary skinny jeans, either, so the phone wasn't under any kind of pressure. I took the phone out, texted, put it in my pocket, drove home, then when I took my phone out when I got home, the screen was cracked.

I made an appointment online at my local Apple store tomorrow. I'll let you guys know how it goes. If they end up NOT replacing my phone, I may go apeshit crazy.


Diamond Member
Feb 23, 2002
I would think they'd be sympathetic, but you never know. They should see that it hasn't been dropped.. and they should be able to tell if there was a ton of pressure applied directly to the glass.


Moderator<br>Mobile Devices & Gadgets
Sep 15, 2004
Do you drive a stick shift? Sometimes my leg moves and gets near the shifter, I have definitely hit my phone when going into second.


Diamond Member
Aug 31, 2003
Engineered Glass

"All the breakthrough technology in iPhone 4 is situated between two glossy panels of aluminosilicate glass &#8212; the same type of glass used in the windshields of helicopters and high-speed trains. Chemically strengthened to be 20 times stiffer and 30 times harder than plastic, the glass is ultradurable and more scratch resistant than ever. It&#8217;s also recyclable."

Good thing apple doesnt make trains or helicopters.


Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
I wish I drove a stick shift. I have a boring little slushbox.

I was accused of dropping it. The "genius" (oh how I hate that term for a technician) said he did some kind of behavior report on it and detected a drop. Seriously, is there even such a thing?

So they offered to replace it for $200. At this point, I was extremely close to completely flipping out and yelling, but instead, I just started breathing deeply and started to tremble. I said that the product failed on its own and that I did nothing for it to crack. I pointed out that I made every effort to protect the phone (case + invisible shield) and I pointed out that I had ZERO scratches on the case and film.

The tech then said he'd replace it "just this time" under warranty. He transferred the SIM card, had me sign a paper, had me delete all my old iPhone's info, and it was done. After I had my new phone in my hand, he said to me "but I know you dropped it."

I got really pissed off. Neither he, nor Apple, know ANYTHING about me. Calling me a liar? I didn't have a middle finger big enough to get my point across. So instead, I just said really loudly "I appreciate the excellent support. Not many companies would willingly replace their products for not performing as advertised." and I left.

So yea, I'm happy that it got replaced, but I'm really not happy with Apple right now. Unless something dramatically changes in the next two years, I honestly can't see myself with another iPhone. At this point, I'm recommending Android to my friends.


Diamond Member
Aug 31, 2003
lol every experience i have had with apple customer service, and ATT have been horrible. It was a match made in hell.

Which apple store did you goto in tampa? Wasnt in brandon mall was it?


Moderator<br>Mobile Devices & Gadgets
Sep 15, 2004
I wish I drove a stick shift. I have a boring little slushbox.

I was accused of dropping it. The "genius" (oh how I hate that term for a technician) said he did some kind of behavior report on it and detected a drop. Seriously, is there even such a thing?

So they offered to replace it for $200. At this point, I was extremely close to completely flipping out and yelling, but instead, I just started breathing deeply and started to tremble. I said that the product failed on its own and that I did nothing for it to crack. I pointed out that I made every effort to protect the phone (case + invisible shield) and I pointed out that I had ZERO scratches on the case and film.

The tech then said he'd replace it "just this time" under warranty. He transferred the SIM card, had me sign a paper, had me delete all my old iPhone's info, and it was done. After I had my new phone in my hand, he said to me "but I know you dropped it."

I got really pissed off. Neither he, nor Apple, know ANYTHING about me. Calling me a liar? I didn't have a middle finger big enough to get my point across. So instead, I just said really loudly "I appreciate the excellent support. Not many companies would willingly replace their products for not performing as advertised." and I left.

So yea, I'm happy that it got replaced, but I'm really not happy with Apple right now. Unless something dramatically changes in the next two years, I honestly can't see myself with another iPhone. At this point, I'm recommending Android to my friends.

That is just terrible, the exact opposite of my usual experiences with Apple.


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2001
I had my first experience with them yesterday and it was actually very pleasant but i would flip shit if someone said that to me.


Platinum Member
Apr 18, 2002
The guy shouldn't have said that to a customer, but I don't know of many tech companies that would replace a product if they thought you dropped it... Most would tell you you're SOL.

About him "knowing" you dropped it, maybe they can tell from the accelerometer? I just hope mine doesn't crack while it's sitting on my desk untouched... :D


Moderator<br>Mobile Devices & Gadgets
Sep 15, 2004
The guy shouldn't have said that to a customer, but I don't know of many tech companies that would replace a product if they thought you dropped it... Most would tell you you're SOL.

About him "knowing" you dropped it, maybe they can tell from the accelerometer? I just hope mine doesn't crack while it's sitting on my desk untouched... :D

Maybe the accelerometer or the gyroscope, but that would mean that it is constantly logging that data like a black box. That seems a little out there to me.
Sep 7, 2009

I have a hard time believe that literally nothing shattered the front of the phone. It's not like there are widespread reports of the glass fronts breaking - if anything it's the exact opposite.

It's more likely that you bumped against... something... or something hit it rather than it just magically shattering in your pocket. Just saying..


Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
I wish I drove a stick shift. I have a boring little slushbox.

I was accused of dropping it. The "genius" (oh how I hate that term for a technician) said he did some kind of behavior report on it and detected a drop. Seriously, is there even such a thing?

So they offered to replace it for $200. At this point, I was extremely close to completely flipping out and yelling, but instead, I just started breathing deeply and started to tremble. I said that the product failed on its own and that I did nothing for it to crack. I pointed out that I made every effort to protect the phone (case + invisible shield) and I pointed out that I had ZERO scratches on the case and film.

The tech then said he'd replace it "just this time" under warranty. He transferred the SIM card, had me sign a paper, had me delete all my old iPhone's info, and it was done. After I had my new phone in my hand, he said to me "but I know you dropped it."

I got really pissed off. Neither he, nor Apple, know ANYTHING about me. Calling me a liar? I didn't have a middle finger big enough to get my point across. So instead, I just said really loudly "I appreciate the excellent support. Not many companies would willingly replace their products for not performing as advertised." and I left.

So yea, I'm happy that it got replaced, but I'm really not happy with Apple right now. Unless something dramatically changes in the next two years, I honestly can't see myself with another iPhone. At this point, I'm recommending Android to my friends.

You should've asked to speak to his manager, that guy needs fired.


Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
I was accused of dropping it. The "genius" (oh how I hate that term for a technician) said he did some kind of behavior report on it and detected a drop. Seriously, is there even such a thing?
The iPhone has acceleration sensors (as do MacBooks for that matter), so the iPhone is capable of detecting if it's being dropped/bumped/whathaveyou. However I am not aware of the phone logging such information, but it's certainly not impossible.


Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
Agreed. Regardless of whether he thought you did something wrong or not.. the screen shouldn't crack like that.. and he shouldn't have been such a prick.

As much as I hate Apple, I would never expect a response like that from one of their employees, let alone any other company's employees. Although the only time I tried to return a phone to Verizon they replaced it without any questions and it definitely looked like I stepped on it or something similar, so my experiences may not be ordinary.

ViRGE said:
The iPhone has acceleration sensors (as do MacBooks for that matter), so the iPhone is capable of detecting if it's being dropped/bumped/whathaveyou. However I am not aware of the phone logging such information, but it's certainly not impossible.

It would kinda make sense for them to do that, similar to the water sensor. However, I don't think it would be very trustworthy. I mean hell, it would probably detect him sitting down too quickly as a fall even though the phone itself didn't impact with anything.
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Diamond Member
Apr 30, 2000
Something isn't right here. I've had my iPhone for 3 years and now have an iPad. They are well built and don't just fall apart for no reason.

Sure it could have been a freak accident, manufacturing defect or something but I dunno... How does it just crack? Are you sure you (or someone else) didn't drop it earlier and then your pocket stressed it just the right way for it to break? There has to be a reason..


No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
Something isn't right here. I've had my iPhone for 3 years and now have an iPad. They are well built and don't just fall apart for no reason.

Sure it could have been a freak accident, manufacturing defect or something but I dunno... How does it just crack? Are you sure you (or someone else) didn't drop it earlier and then your pocket stressed it just the right way for it to break? There has to be a reason..


dropped my iphone flat on screen dozens of times and no cracks.
Feb 10, 2000
The employee was rude but I must admit it's hard to understand how this thing just spontaneously cracked. I guess it's possible there was a manufacturing defect in the glass, but even then I wouldn't expect it to crack without being exposed to some kind of significant stress.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
You should've asked to speak to his manager, that guy needs fired.

Yea as if the manager cared. Why do you think they put moisture detection stickers in phones these days, its because people will abuse the f*** out of warrantys and techs spend their time listening to these lies. So that the tech was skeptical is only normal.


Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
Yea as if the manager cared. Why do you think they put moisture detection stickers in phones these days, its because people will abuse the f*** out of warrantys and techs spend their time listening to these lies. So that the tech was skeptical is only normal.

Skeptical is one thing, but according to slugg's story the guy was just being a dick.
Sep 7, 2009
Skeptical is one thing, but according to slugg's story the guy was just being a dick.

It really doesn't sound like it to me, even assuming slugg's version is 100% accurate

Even IF the screen really did just magically *pop* and break without any input from him he is still the umpteenth person to walk in and insist that the screen just broke on it's own demanding a new phone when they broke it themselves (or from bad luck)

IMHO he is REALLY lucky the apple guy was just slightly rude before replacing his phone with a -brand new- device.

Unless this literally happened on the way home from buying the device I'm siding with Apple, and good on them for replacing your phone. You should be thanking them for bending their policy, no matter how rude the guy was.

Would you rather him politely read back their policy about broken screens on devices?


Jan 7, 2007
Based on what he's said I would be prepared to give the OP the benefit of the doubt. There are a multitude of reasons the screen could have cracked, even if it hadn't been dropped. Thermal stress, applied load from just being in your pocket, residual stress in the glass, who knows?

That said, the Apple guy had reason to be suspect. The most likely cause of a crack as described is simply dropping the device. Many people, having dropped and broken a very expensive device, would have no problem lying to your face in an attempt to get it replaced for free (not saying that's what happened).

But I question why the Apple employee would choose to make that remark at that time. Having already given you a new phone, this Apple employee had nothing to gain and everything to lose. Based on his earlier interaction, he should have known it would accomplish nothing but piss off a customer; a very bad idea for anyone working in customer service. This was just dumb, as well as a bit rude.

I find the most interesting thing in this whole thread how the Apple employee suggested he could tell for sure that the device was dropped based on a "behavior report" from the device. I have heard of cell phone manufacturers using moisture sensors in phones to detect when a phone has been exposed to water; but I haven't heard about such a thing for detecting shock.

The built-in accelerometer I suppose could in theory give this kind of information but I'm not convinced Apple has/or would implement such a thing. Having the accelerometer on, recording & storing data at all times seems to be an unnecessary drain on the battery...as well as a questionable "feature" in the minds of any Apple customer should they become aware of it.

Is big brother Apple watching us? If they are storing & recording accelerometer data for Apple to peruse later should you bring your iphone in for service, what's stopping them from doing the same thing with GPS info? Or the camera?

...unless I get this from a more reputable source I think this Apple guy is the one who's full of it on that one.
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Senior member
Mar 4, 2008
You broke it. Should've had to pay the $200 replacement. The Apple store employee was nice enough to give you a free replacement for a phone that you broke and won't admit, and you bitch about it.

Nice to know that because of people like you that abuse the system the rest of us will end up paying for it.
