"USB" is rendered as "sub". lots of nonsense. if autocorrect is indication of their abilities for AI, iOS is easily the worst. Worse than windows or android.
I've never really had an issue with the iOS keyboard, and once you type something the same way enough times, it learns it. I can safely just stab my fingers at the keyboard in the general vicinity of what I want, and it shakes out the right words... 90% of the time. That's JUST ballistic pecking. When I'm typing with purpose, it's 99% accurate. And, it gets "its" vs "it's" correct basically 100% of the time, it's black magic.
Alternatively, use a third party keyboard. Swiftkey has an excellent prediction engine.
I bet people type "sub" much more frequently than they type "USB"
I came home and immediately threw my sub drive on the desk. All I wanted to do was take it and thrust my it into my sub socket. I couldn't do it the first time so I had to flip my sub over and keep trying to jam it in the hole.
Opposite for me. One of the main reasons for my switch to iOS from Android was because I couldn't stand Android auto-correct.
I use SwiftKey on my iPhone 6 Plus and Nexus 6P and set them up the same way. Autocorrect and frequently used words function the same between the two phones for me.
iOS forces the stock keyboard for passwords but other than that SwiftKey works excellent on either platform.
I have not found that to be the case, at all. It doesn't matter what 3rd party keyboard I use with my iDevices, they all exhibit the same, annoying bugs. Keyboards not showing up when they should, laggy performance, etc. These are deal breakers for me, when it comes to phone keyboards I rely heavily on swipe style typing and it needs to "just work." In my experience the Google Keyboard is the only one that consistently "just works." Swiftkey for Android is good if you don't do swipe style typing regularly.
Yes, iOS autocorrect is pure bollocks!!
Surprisingly, Windows Mobile has really good autocorrect and good predictability with their "swipe" keyboard