Inwin S500 vs A500 - which to get?


Diamond Member
May 4, 2002
For a full-sized P4 ATX motherboard (with 9 holes, not 6).

The main concern is how these babies cope with high heat... Personally, I like the A500 better due to several reasons. But it's PSU is vertical. Maybe there'll be too much heat built-up inside the case with a hot running P4? What do you think? Or sacrifice quality and good looks and go with the S500 model which has a horizontally mounted PSU?

Any suggestions from people who have tried Any of these cases? How did you like them?

And pls don't suggest any other brands... I can't get any other decent brand of cases for a decent price in my area. All I can get is either almost any Inwin model, or an Aopen case (but it has a 250W PSU so I guess not).

Thanks in advance for any replies to this thread!


Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2001
Are you restricted to a mid tower? I love my Q500 full tower.


Diamond Member
May 4, 2002
Originally posted by: beatle
Are you restricted to a mid tower? I love my Q500 full tower.

No I don't need a full tower, it's just too big, and I use a fairly standard config so no need for that much case space.

I know Inwin makes somewhat decent quality cases, not the best of course, but the A500s I've seen are definately of a much higher quality than S500s (different manufacturing plant? Who knows) That's why I'd like to go with it but my concern is also thermal environment.


Senior member
Nov 19, 2000
The S500 is the better choice of the two, the Pro's are:

Superior cooling (due to psu location)
Greater interior access (due to psu location)
Slightly narrower case than A500 (strong enough - not overbuilt & heavy like some) and no larger than necessary
Motherboard mounting stand-off's built-in to tray (very convenient & fast)
Sturdy, handsome design (subjective item) and durable

I think the S500 is a great, budget case, I have also built several pc's with the uATX V500 version of the S500 and I highly recommend them.

S500 vs A500 Con's:
Motherboard tray not removable - (not a problem for me)