Was gonna do this a few days ago, but I figured I'd better wait till I had more features working on it.
Happy holidays! Unlimited bandwidth and disk space until the end of January, '05!
Introducing PicTars (http://www.pictars.com)
What's so special about Pictars? Well here's the main differences:
Multiple Image Uploads
Graphical Monthly Statistics - Displays hits and bandwidth used on the image level and for your entire account
Referring Host Logging - See where people are viewing your images from
Ability to mark an image as "Private" - making it invisible to the site's search and top-image pages
Image Descriptions - give the story behind the picture.
Searchable Image Base - Search by user, description, filename, and date posted.
20MB Disk Space (free account)
200MB Bandwidth (free account)
Ability to mark images as Not Safe For Work - makes it so you can browse/search the image base without worries of offending your co-workers. Added 11/30.
Referral Link Backs - generates more exposure for your auctions and discussions.
A note about sign-ups: I've noticed Hotmail has been classifying the confirmation emails as Spam. If you don't recieve your confirmation signup email, send me a message and I'll manually authorize your account. You may want to add the domain of priceyoursite.com as an approved sender domain just in case.
Coming soon:
[*]FireFox Direct Upload extension
[*]Multi-Tiered Account Plans - Done, but just waiting for some higher traffic demands before I start using them.
[*]Image Categorizing and Photo Albums - on hold until I figure out if it's really in scope.
It's still a work in progress, but as soon as I finish the "coming soon" features, I'll be putting the code up on sourceforge
Anyway, have fun with it. Feel free to PM or email me with any comments or suggestions on it.
11/30 Added NSFW image tagging so you can browse the image base safely from work
12/1 Added the referral link back feature to increase your auctions and discussions exposure
Happy holidays! Unlimited bandwidth and disk space until the end of January, '05!
1/15/05 - Domain name changed to Pictars.com. No need to update your links, they'll start auto-redirecting as soon as the domain has propogated.
I know I've been slacking on the features, but they're all still coming.
1/29/05 100,000 images served to date!
Happy holidays! Unlimited bandwidth and disk space until the end of January, '05!
Introducing PicTars (http://www.pictars.com)
What's so special about Pictars? Well here's the main differences:
Multiple Image Uploads
Graphical Monthly Statistics - Displays hits and bandwidth used on the image level and for your entire account
Referring Host Logging - See where people are viewing your images from
Ability to mark an image as "Private" - making it invisible to the site's search and top-image pages
Image Descriptions - give the story behind the picture.
Searchable Image Base - Search by user, description, filename, and date posted.
20MB Disk Space (free account)
200MB Bandwidth (free account)
Ability to mark images as Not Safe For Work - makes it so you can browse/search the image base without worries of offending your co-workers. Added 11/30.
Referral Link Backs - generates more exposure for your auctions and discussions.
A note about sign-ups: I've noticed Hotmail has been classifying the confirmation emails as Spam. If you don't recieve your confirmation signup email, send me a message and I'll manually authorize your account. You may want to add the domain of priceyoursite.com as an approved sender domain just in case.
Coming soon:
[*]FireFox Direct Upload extension
[*]Multi-Tiered Account Plans - Done, but just waiting for some higher traffic demands before I start using them.
[*]Image Categorizing and Photo Albums - on hold until I figure out if it's really in scope.
It's still a work in progress, but as soon as I finish the "coming soon" features, I'll be putting the code up on sourceforge
Anyway, have fun with it. Feel free to PM or email me with any comments or suggestions on it.
11/30 Added NSFW image tagging so you can browse the image base safely from work
12/1 Added the referral link back feature to increase your auctions and discussions exposure
Happy holidays! Unlimited bandwidth and disk space until the end of January, '05!
1/15/05 - Domain name changed to Pictars.com. No need to update your links, they'll start auto-redirecting as soon as the domain has propogated.
I know I've been slacking on the features, but they're all still coming.
1/29/05 100,000 images served to date!