Engineering position. Drawing up plans, documenting, testing equipment, etc.Originally posted by: Scribe
If it's for an IT position -- be honest. If you don't know something, say so. Be confident, not cocky. And be friendly and make some light jokes.
You aren't getting a job for what you know, it's for how you integrate with the existing team. Make yourself friendly, approachable, and of course, knowledgeable. The job will be yours if you can manage that.
Originally posted by: CPA
Right off the bat ask how much the job pays and how much vacation you get. Works like a charm.
Originally posted by: apac
If you don't know something, don't just say 'I don' t know' and leave it at that. We recently interviewed several people for a senior software engineer position and the difference between the two top people is the one we didn't hire said 'I don't know' to many of the problems without even taking a stab at answering them. The people you interview with are looking for how you solve problems, not just whether or not you're able to get the answer.
Originally posted by: KarmaPolice
Originally posted by: apac
If you don't know something, don't just say 'I don' t know' and leave it at that. We recently interviewed several people for a senior software engineer position and the difference between the two top people is the one we didn't hire said 'I don't know' to many of the problems without even taking a stab at answering them. The people you interview with are looking for how you solve problems, not just whether or not you're able to get the answer.
don't make ****** up tho lol. Could be very arkward when they catch you.
What is the power posture?Originally posted by: spidey07
Look good, get haircut, make sure shoes are nice. Present open position until any negotiations seem emminent. Switch to power posture.
Originally posted by: Howard
What is the power posture?Originally posted by: spidey07
Look good, get haircut, make sure shoes are nice. Present open position until any negotiations seem emminent. Switch to power posture.