Internet Explorer Beta 2 - "an effort to stay ahead of the competition"


Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
I know the beta release was posted earlier, but I wanted to share this article:


"Internet Explorer is getting significantly better, and Microsoft sees it as a major Web platform," said Jupiter Research analyst Michael Gartenberg. To that end, he noted, the company is showcasing additional capabilities, such as tabbed browsing and improved security, in an effort to stay ahead of the competition.

"The Web site for add-ons is another step in that direction in that it shows Microsoft is making an effort to address the concerns of users who may be tempted to experiment with alternative browsers with features not available with the current Internet Explorer," said Gartenberg.

This gave me a good giggle :) Sorry Microsoft, but you're way behind the competition!


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2000
I don't understand why it really matters. The browser is free and I cant see any way they'd be making money off it.


Elite Member & Kitchen Overlord
Feb 14, 2004
Originally posted by: Schadenfroh
Should it not say, "catch up" rather than "stay ahead"?

"Internet Explorer is getting significantly better, and Microsoft sees it as a major Web platform," said Jupiter Research analyst Michael Gartenberg. To that end, he noted, the company is showcasing additional capabilities, such as tabbed browsing and improved security, in an effort to catch up with the competition.

"The Web site for add-ons is another step in that direction in that it shows Microsoft is making an effort to address the concerns of users who may be tempted to experiment with alternative browsers with features not available with the current Internet Explorer," said Gartenberg.

hehe :thumbsup:


Senior member
Oct 14, 1999
Originally posted by: jfall
I don't understand why it really matters. The browser is free and I cant see any way they'd be making money off it.

It's not really about money; it is all about Microsoft's brand. They would rather have their product labeled as 'the most popular web browser in the world' than simply having it be known as 'yet another browser'.


Diamond Member
Dec 3, 2002
It may be how certain sites are coded to tailor CSS to IE6 based on user agent, but some major sites I use have messed up styling in IE7.


Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
As a sysadmin, you have 1000 computers, instead of two or three. Gee, you need to update 1000 FireFox installations to eliminate the 21 security vulnerabilities in, better get started. Because you're going to be doing it by hand, barring SMS or something.

With IE, you just tell WSUS "yeah, go ahead and deploy this-here patch," remote-wake your fleet (freaking out the janitors in the process), and then head on home and make pizza while the systems patch themselves overnight. :D WSUS and Group Policy are free, simple to use and very quick at getting the result you want.

So tell me again which browsers need to catch up and try harder, eh? ;) With IE7, Microsoft is competing harder with the other guys on features, while retaining their uncontested domination of the manageability game. For Windows domains, at any rate. Anyone who knows of any other manageability solution that competes with Microsoft's, feel free to speak up.

Just a little food for thought for you home-enthusiast type people. ;) We now resume our regularly-scheduled IE-bashing session. :)