In IE 5.0/5.01, when you hold the mouse over the a link, the lower left hand corner of the IE window shows the url of the link target.. and when you click the link, that immidately changes to "Connecting.." and "opening site", etc.. giving me visual feedback that the browser is DOING something.
in IE 5.5, when you hold the mouse over the link, it shows the target url, but when you click it, it sill shows the target url, even though the browser is contacting the dns, etc. it just holds the damn url there and everything "freezes" so it doesn't look like the browser is doing anything.. its the most annoying thing in any application I've ever used in my life.. it makes me want to beat the living sh!t out of my computer!! :| :| :|
anyway, is there any way to have IE 5.5 NOT act this way? :disgust: :|
in IE 5.5, when you hold the mouse over the link, it shows the target url, but when you click it, it sill shows the target url, even though the browser is contacting the dns, etc. it just holds the damn url there and everything "freezes" so it doesn't look like the browser is doing anything.. its the most annoying thing in any application I've ever used in my life.. it makes me want to beat the living sh!t out of my computer!! :| :| :|
anyway, is there any way to have IE 5.5 NOT act this way? :disgust: :|