My main machine with the direct internet connection is using ME. My other computer that I want to share the connection with is using SE. I ran the wizard on ME and created a setup disk for SE. I can connect to the internet on my ME computer so I know that it's working properly. The task bar is now displaying a little Internet Connection Sharing icon. It says that only one computer is using the internet connection. I ran the setup disk on SE but I can't seem to get it working. I'm on the @home network in NJ. Do I need to setup anything in the TCP/IP config on my SE computer or can I leave everything on automatic? Oh, and just to make sure I have everything hooked up correctly, I have my cable modem connection going into one NIC card on my ME computer. The second NIC card on ME is going into the hub. Now, does the connection from the second NIC card on ME into the hub have to go in any hub port or does it have to connect into the hub through the "Out to hub" port? I have an Intel 10/100 Fast Ethernet Hub. I guide would really help here as well. Sorry if it sounds confusing. Thanks.