Interesting use for grid computing!


Apr 29, 2001
Originally posted by: keeleysam
SETI seems more fun ;)

I'll never understand the joy of Seti. Odds of curing a disease or solving a math problem are a zillion times greater.


Apr 23, 2000
Originally posted by: TallBill
Originally posted by: keeleysam
SETI seems more fun ;)

I'll never understand the joy of Seti. Odds of curing a disease or solving a math problem are a zillion times greater.

The only reason your odds may seem to be a zillion times greater is because we know for a fact that math problems and diseases exist. That's easy to do.

Trying to find something you don't know for a fact even exists in the first place is much much harder, primarily because you must make certain assumptions to define the field of your search. But once we do find another civilization, and I have no doubt that we will, the odds of finding others will, pardon the pun, improve astronomically. ;)



Apr 29, 2001
Originally posted by: networkman

The only reason your odds may seem to be a zillion times greater is because we know for a fact that math problems and diseases exist. That's easy to do.

Trying to find something you don't know for a fact even exists in the first place is much much harder, primarily because you must make certain assumptions to define the field of your search. But once we do find another civilization, and I have no doubt that we will, the odds of finding others will, pardon the pun, improve astronomically. ;)

I'm not saying that we wont find other life. I just dont see it happening through Seti. I could eat my words some day, but there is a hell of a lot of processing power used up on seti. To each his own though I suppose!


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2000
To each his own though I suppose!

That is exactly the right attitude - that is how we stay together as a TeAm.

One way of looking at seti is this - even if we were the only life in the universe, we have infected that universe. Things have slammed into our planet & knocked bits of it out into space that have spread out through the coldness of space to other places.

Now, if there is also some other life out there it is doing the same - the infection spreads. ;)

Eventually, for good or bad, we will come into contact with it. If it is intelligent and we are still intelligent then it could be a very good thing - or a very bad thing. Eventually we will find out, sooner if we are actively looking for it. (IMHO)

I no longer crunch seti - all my cycles are belong to R@H. However I did it for 6+ years so I will always have a special place for it. You never know, I might come back some day...