Interesting point in my life.


Nov 28, 2001
I've had a life long history of problems with depression which ruined my education for quite some time, quite school several times and was in and out of university many times despite being a strait A student when I could hack it. Anyways currently I'm on medication for depression and I'm not in school and I'm working a job most would not consider being a mark of any success, assistant manager at a 7-11 downtown. Thing is, this is the happiest point in my life in a very long time. I do plan on going back to school in another year or so but right now things are going good. I'm still undecided on what to do though. When I was in university I was taking a computing science/mathematics degree. I am still very interested in programming and mathematics but not sure I want it as a career. The other choice is to go into 3D animation which I do as a hobby at home. The latter doesn't require a degree but not getting one also closes many other doors. What do you think?
Mar 11, 2004
I would say you should at least finish up the degree, it'll be beneficial even in a non-related field, and would benefit you based on your interests anyways. Don't let a degree dictate your career/life, you can always do other things.

Good luck and hopefully things will keep going good for you.


Nov 28, 2001
Originally posted by: darkswordsman17
I would say you should at least finish up the degree, it'll be beneficial even in a non-related field, and would benefit you based on your interests anyways. Don't let a degree dictate your career/life, you can always do other things.

Yeah I'm thinking the same though I've already wasted several years at school so I better be 100% sure this time.

Good luck and hopefully things will keep going good for you.



Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
Originally posted by: Locut0s
......Thing is, this is the happiest point in my life in a very long time........

Happiness is one of the hardest thing to obtain, yet one of the most important.

Keep doin what you're doing until it doesn't make you happy anymore.

Good Luck,

Aug 25, 2004
A degree's always worth it. But be sure to take it slow and steady. Take a light load your first semester and set a very modest goal. Once you make it, raise the bar a little and take it from there.

Originally posted by: Locut0s
Yeah I'm thinking the same though I've already wasted several years at school so I better be 100% sure this time.

I would never call it a waste. The time you've spent in school has helped you gain a lot of experience. Think about it :)


Elite Member
May 21, 2001
I understand the value of a degree (have several myself). But what I don't understand is this:

Now that you are finally happy, why change?

The goal of life is not obtaining a job. That is true, even if the job is good. The goal of life is to be happy. If you found happiness, I say milk it while you can.


Golden Member
Sep 28, 2005
I wouldn't suggest doing your hobby as a job. It might lose its fun... but its up to you!

Glad things are looking up! :thumbsup:


Nov 28, 2001
Thanks for the replies. I probably will go back to school for a degree but I will take it slowly.


Platinum Member
Sep 7, 2006
Your story rings true with me and I think a lot of people of our generation (I'm assuming you're somewhere between 20 and 28 or so). I was an honor student, national merit, 30 on the ACT etc...but I've now failed out of two colleges. Just motivational stuff. Can't ever really find what feels right...I think we look too hard for ultimate happiness, the perfect experience, and when we don't find it we give up.
I'm slowly coming to understand that there is no perfect experience, and it's okay to have bad days...and I'm pulling myself out of the whole. Keep your head up, and keep yourself busy doing something you enjoy...things will fall into place eventually.


Nov 28, 2001
Originally posted by: arrfep
Your story rings true with me and I think a lot of people of our generation (I'm assuming you're somewhere between 20 and 28 or so). I was an honor student, national merit, 30 on the ACT etc...but I've now failed out of two colleges. Just motivational stuff. Can't ever really find what feels right...I think we look too hard for ultimate happiness, the perfect experience, and when we don't find it we give up.
I'm slowly coming to understand that there is no perfect experience, and it's okay to have bad days...and I'm pulling myself out of the whole. Keep your head up, and keep yourself busy doing something you enjoy...things will fall into place eventually.

Thanks. Indeed I am of your generation, 24. For me my main problem with university was two fold. The main problem was clinical depression, but the other was a lack of personal clarity about what I wanted out of life. Like you and many others I went to university not because I had any career or goal in mind but because that's just what was expected of me. You to school get a degree, travel a bit see the world then settle down into a cozy job. You know... what your parents did. Since being out of school and working a while though I've come to realize there are so many people who don't follow that path who end up living fulfilling lives of their own, and many who do who end up with miserable lives. Point is life is much richer and fuller than you realize if you just take the time to look.


Buck Armstrong

Platinum Member
Dec 17, 2004
Originally posted by: Locut0s
I've had a life long history of problems with depression which ruined my education for quite some time, quite school several times and was in and out of university many times despite being a strait A student when I could hack it. Anyways currently I'm on medication for depression and I'm not in school and I'm working a job most would not consider being a mark of any success, assistant manager at a 7-11 downtown. Thing is, this is the happiest point in my life in a very long time. I do plan on going back to school in another year or so but right now things are going good. I'm still undecided on what to do though. When I was in university I was taking a computing science/mathematics degree. I am still very interested in programming and mathematics but not sure I want it as a career. The other choice is to go into 3D animation which I do as a hobby at home. The latter doesn't require a degree but not getting one also closes many other doors. What do you think?

Sometimes an easy, low-pressure job can make you much happier in the short-term because it temporarily removes most of the stress in your life (like college), and gives you some breathing room to figure out what you want to do with the rest of your life. But eventually, the fact that its a "dead-end" becomes a pressure in and of itself. So enjoy it while you can, forget the future for the moment (you're still young), and eventually you'll be more relaxed and ready to get back in the game.


Apr 30, 2004
Dude, if I had figured out the answer to "what should I do with my life," I'd gladly share it with you. But, no clue. I don't even know where to start.


Elite Member
Jan 4, 2004
Originally posted by: jagec
Dude, if I had figured out the answer to "what should I do with my life," I'd gladly share it with you. But, no clue. I don't even know where to start.

You just spoke for me.

I have no clue what i want to do with my life.

I have never really known, aside from when i was a really little kid...

I have learned that happiness is incredibly important...
True friends are more valuable than a "successful career"
Enjoying those little things is life are more important than retiring @ 40.

Money simply doesn't matter.
You can say it buys happiness, but it really doesn't.

Does this mean i am happy with my life?

LOL often no.

But if you love something...i'd say hold onto it while it brings you joy.


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2002
I'm in the same boat, sort of. I got bored with college, and had some problems with depression, and worked many jobs I didn't consider upto my potential. I got on medication and just took out a loan and got my own shop and started fixing computers. It has been going well and I'm happy, but it's a world away from where I thought I was going. I have a fiance, and a house, and feel a little trapped as it's getting harder and harder to go back to school. I can either go to school, or invest a little more in my business. Still undecided, and not getting any younger.


Nov 28, 2001
Originally posted by: jagec
Dude, if I had figured out the answer to "what should I do with my life," I'd gladly share it with you. But, no clue. I don't even know where to start.

Don't think many people have figured that out really well.