i got a Q9650 ES coming in a couple of days. Its on "Semi-Perminent LOAN"
Meaning i get to keep it until intel asks it back from the person i am borrowing it from. Should that ever happen.
And i will review it since there is like 0 reviews on this guy.
Its going to be my first mini review, so bear with me.
Its going on an open bench air platform. I'll probably show what it can do @ stock voltage, and at 1.45V.
I dont intend on passing 1.45V like misinformed people do, so dont ask me what max oc is.
Any benches you guys want, i'll start a thread when i get the chip for requests.
OS Platform will be Vista Ultimate. x64
No i wont change OS because i hate installing OS.
Originally posted by: Idontcare
Originally posted by: aigomorla
Oh i'll be posting a mini review on a extra special chip i'll be getting soon.
Its kinda like pesephone only with the X taken out of it, and its ES. :T
You got one of those soon to be released low-power X4's? (the sub 65W TDP guys)
No way you are getting your fingers on a Shanghai...is there? :shocked:
Amber was showing smackover, well significant other. Neha's X58 Chipset board.
I was offered to test a NEHA. However they couldnt get me a board.
How funny is that? Being offered the chip, but having a shortage on boards.
Anyhow sorry for the thread jack!
OP, dont get the 9600. Get the 9x50 series with the bugs fixed if you are going phenom. I didnt realize you were looking at the old Phenoms until i carefully read everything.