A deal for Sam's Club members!
The product:
Intel Pocket PC Camera
A nice inexpensive digital camera with limited features, but a great deal. Can be used attached to your PC as a webcam and digital movie cam, or detached and carried about. Docking is by USB cable so at least Win98 is required on the PC.
To see the detail page on the camera, go to www.samsclub.com and search for the Sam's Club stock number, 794817. Sam's Club price is $89.98, which is ALREADY less than most vendors.
Sams has their own house-brand rebate program, so be sure to pick up a monthly rebate coupon at the desk by the entrance door. Using a "rebate receipt" that you get from the Sams cash register, you apply for the Sams $30 rebate.
The double-dip works because the Sams rebate offer does NOT require you to submit the UPC barcode from the camera package... just a special "rebate receipt" that you get from the register.
There is also a rebate being offered by Intel direct. You can print out the Intel rebate coupon from:
and send it in with the original receipt and the original UPC (both of which you still have) to get a second $30 rebate.
So, that's $90 less $30 less another $30 = $30 net price
This does work! I know some people who have received both rebates.
The product:
Intel Pocket PC Camera
A nice inexpensive digital camera with limited features, but a great deal. Can be used attached to your PC as a webcam and digital movie cam, or detached and carried about. Docking is by USB cable so at least Win98 is required on the PC.
To see the detail page on the camera, go to www.samsclub.com and search for the Sam's Club stock number, 794817. Sam's Club price is $89.98, which is ALREADY less than most vendors.
Sams has their own house-brand rebate program, so be sure to pick up a monthly rebate coupon at the desk by the entrance door. Using a "rebate receipt" that you get from the Sams cash register, you apply for the Sams $30 rebate.
The double-dip works because the Sams rebate offer does NOT require you to submit the UPC barcode from the camera package... just a special "rebate receipt" that you get from the register.
There is also a rebate being offered by Intel direct. You can print out the Intel rebate coupon from:
and send it in with the original receipt and the original UPC (both of which you still have) to get a second $30 rebate.
So, that's $90 less $30 less another $30 = $30 net price
This does work! I know some people who have received both rebates.